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Area: ARM
Area: ARM
Resource deployment automation
Area: Data factory
Area: Data factory
Data Factory integration
Area: DevOps
Area: DevOps
GitHub setup and automation
Area: Documentation
Area: Documentation
Documentation updates
Area: Microsoft proposal 💡
Area: Microsoft proposal 💡
Proposal for Microsoft to consider implementing to simplify custom solutions
Area: Power BI
Area: Power BI
Power BI reports
Area: PowerShell
Area: PowerShell
PowerShell scripts and automation
Breaking change 🚨
Breaking change 🚨
Change that breaks previous deployments and requires a new major version
Good first issue 🏆
Good first issue 🏆
Good for newcomers
Help wanted ✨
Help wanted ✨
Extra attention is needed
Micro PR 🔬
Micro PR 🔬
Very small PR that should be especially easy for newcomers
Needs: Attention 👋
Needs: Attention 👋
Issue or PR needs to be reviewed by the author or it will be closed due to no activity
Needs: Documentation 📝
Needs: Documentation 📝
PR needs a changelog entry, public docs, or internal docs before it can be closed
Needs: Information
Needs: Information
Untriaged issue needs more information to be triaged
Needs: Review 👀
Needs: Review 👀
PR that is ready to be reviewed
Needs: Triage 🔍
Needs: Triage 🔍
Untriaged issue needs to be reviewed
Resolution: Automerge
Resolution: Automerge
This pull request can be merged automatically
Resolution: Can't repro
Resolution: Can't repro
We were unable to reproduce the bug, please add details
Resolution: Duplicate
Resolution: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Resolution: External
Resolution: External
Issue is external to the FinOps toolkit
Resolution: No activity
Resolution: No activity
Inactive issues are closed after a certain period
Resolution: Won't fix
Resolution: Won't fix
This will not be worked on
Solution: Bicep Registry
Solution: Bicep Registry
Modules published to the Bicep Registry
Solution: FinOps guide
Solution: FinOps guide
Implementing FinOps guide
Solution: FinOps hubs
Solution: FinOps hubs
Data pipeline solution
Solution: Open data
Solution: Open data
Datasets to normalize and enhance FinOps reports
Solution: Workbooks
Solution: Workbooks
Azure Monitor workbooks
Status: ⛔ Blocked
Status: ⛔ Blocked
Progress blocked on another change
Status: 🔬 Code review
Status: 🔬 Code review
Issue is currently in code review with open PRs
Status: 🔄️ In progress
Status: 🔄️ In progress
Implementation is currently in progress