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Factorized Neural Layers

This repo contains code to reproduce experiments in the paper "Initialization and Regularization of Factorized Neural Layers" (citation below). It is split into codebases for different models and settings we evaluate; please see the corresponding directories for information about the relevant papers.

Getting Started

The codebase has been tested with Python 3.6 and CUDA 10. Executing sh will install requirements and generate experimental scripts in the subfolders */generated-scripts that can be run to compute all ResNet experiments (including normalization plots and distillation results), model compression comparisons, tensor comparisons, and Transformer translation experiments. For reproducing specific experiments please see the appropriately named script; we have also provided example commands for these four settings below.

Parts of the code require the TinyImageNet dataset, which can be downloaded from here, and the IWSLT'14 German-English translation dataset, which can be constructed by following the instructions in Transformer-PyTorch/data. The scripts also require the home directory of this repo to be in the PYTHONPATH.

ResNet Experiments [pytorch_resnet_cifar10]

To train a factorized ResNet20 on CIFAR-10 with spectral initialization and Frobenius decay run

python --arch resnet20 --rank-scale 0.111 --save-dir results/resnet20-factorized --spectral --wd2fd

To run the normalization experiment run

python --arch resnet20 --rank-scale 0.111 --seed 0 --save-dir results/resnet20-frob --dump-frobnorms --wd2fd
python --arch resnet20 --rank-scale 0.111 --seed 0 --save-dir results/resnet20-norm --no-frob --normalize frob/frobnorms.tensor

To perform a deep distillation with ResNet32 on CIFAR-100 run

python --data cifar100 --arch resnet32 --rank-scale 1.0 --square --save-dir results/resnet32-deep --wd2fd

Model Compression Comparisons [EigenDamage-Pytorch]

To train a factorized ResNet32 on CIFAR-10 with target compression rate 0.1 using spectral initialization and Frobenius decay run

python --network resnet --weight_decay 1E-4 --depth 32 --target-ratio 0.1 --log_dir results/resnet32 --spectral --wd2fd

To train a factorized VGG19 on TinyImageNet with target compression rate 0.02 using spectral initialization and Frobenius decay run

python --dataset tiny_imagenet --network vgg --weight_decay 2E-4 --depth 19 --target-ratio 0.02 --log_dir results/vgg19 --spectral --wd2fd

Tensor Comparisons [deficient-efficient]

To train a factorized WideResNet28-10 on CIFAR-10 with target compression rate 0.06667 using spectral initialization and Frobenius decay run

python cifar10 teacher --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --epochs 200 --conv Conv -t results/conv --target-ratio 0.06667 --spectral --wd2fd

To train a Tensor-Train-factorized WideResNet28-10 on CIFAR-10 with target compression rate 0.01667 using spectral initialization and Frobenius decay run

python cifar10 teacher --wrn_depth 28 --wrn_width 10 --epochs 200 --conv TensorTrain_0.234 -t results/tt --spectral --wd2fd

Transformer Translation Experiments [Transformer-PyTorch]

To train and evaluate the resulting BLEU scroe of a factorized small Transformer with spectral initialization and Frobenius decay on all linear layers, the Query-Key quadratic form in MHA, and the Output-Value quadratic form in MHA, run

python data-bin/ --arch transformer_small --clip-norm 0.1 --dropout 0.2 --max-tokens 4000 --criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy --label-smoothing 0.1 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --lr 0.25 --optimizer nag --warmup-init-lr 0.25 --warmup-updates 4000 --max-update 100000 --no-epoch-checkpoints --save-dir results
--rank-scale 0.5 --spectral --spectral-quekey --spectral-outval --wd2fd --wd2fd-quekey --wd2fd-outval --distributed-world-size 1
python data-bin/ --batch-size 128 --beam 5 --remove-bpe --quiet --path results/ --dump results/bleu.log --rank-scale 0.5


  title={Initalization and Regularization of Factorized Neural Layers},
  author={Mikhail Khodak and Neil A. Tenenholtz and Lester Mackey and Nicol\`o Fusi},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Representations},


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Factorized Neural Layers



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