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Releases: microsoft/genaiscript


21 Jun 13:35
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GenAIScript 1.41.7 Release Notes 🎉

Get excited for the release of GenAIScript 1.41.7! We've been hard at work making improvements to enhance your experience. Here are the key changes:

  • We've fixed an issue with the missing CSV object, ensuring that your data handling is smoother and more efficient than ever before. 🛠️ (#560)

  • We're committed to keeping you informed, so we've added a guide on release notes to help you understand the changes in each release. 📖

  • We've made some updates to our release script to ensure smoother and more efficient releases in the future. 🚀

  • To keep our release notes clean and focused on the features that matter to you, we've made the decision to ignore docs in the release notes. 📚

  • As always, we've updated the version numbers to keep things running smoothly. 🔄

We can't wait for you to try out these new improvements. Happy scripting!


21 Jun 04:24
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We are excited to announce the release of GenAIScript 1.41.6! 🎉

In this release, we've made some significant improvements to enhance your experience. Here are the key changes:

  1. Improved Release Script: We've fine-tuned our release script to ensure smoother and more efficient releases in the future. 🛠️

  2. Better Filtering of Release Notes: We've introduced a new filtering mechanism for our release notes. This will help us to bring you the most important updates, cutting out the noise. 📄

  3. Reduced Release Generator Temperature: We've made adjustments to the release generator's temperature. This will aid in maintaining the stability of the system during the release process. 🌡️

Please note, the version number has been updated to 1.41.6 in this release.

We hope you enjoy these improvements! As always, we appreciate your feedback. Happy coding! 💻


21 Jun 04:01
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GenaiScript Workspace Release 1.41.5 🚀

We're excited to announce the new release 1.41.5 of GenaiScript Workspace. This release includes various performance improvements and features that will ensure your development process is smoother and more efficient. 🛠️

Included in this release is a key optimization feature on the release generator, where caching has been enabled. Caching minimizes the time taken to generate a release by storing and reusing previously retrieved or computed data, thus making your release generation faster and more seamless. This change is critical for those who are working on large projects or dealing with significant data. All thanks to this commit enable caching on release generator which has made it possible.

The version has also been updated to 1.41.5, reflecting the successful growth and improvements we have made in GenaiScript Workspace. Check out this commit for the version bump Release 1.41.5.

Remember, it's your feedback that helps us make GenaiScript better. We appreciate your support and hope you find the new features and improvements useful.

Happy coding! 💻🌟


21 Jun 02:45
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20 Jun 15:35
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  • [skip ci] updated version numbers (88b0dc1)


18 Jun 20:38
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  • formatting (766be89)
  • updated alt-text (724c0e6)
  • add walkthrough (3ba9131)
  • updated tutorial instructions (7dc0fd5)
  • updated instruction to open in vscode (47182b8)
  • add command to open notebook (1992650)
  • [skip ci] updated version numbers (083c22c)


18 Jun 18:16
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  • 3rd party license update (84d67f5)
  • configurable .gitignore in search files (#548) (f18adc8)
  • proper fail on empty def (0745136)
  • add location note (2170cb5)
  • [skip ci] updated version numbers (d4dfa84)


17 Jun 19:45
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  • notebook documentation updates (79fb500)
  • started tutorial page (63a2c7f)
  • [skip ci] updated version numbers (94e0bed)


17 Jun 16:13
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14 Jun 21:06
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