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Giraffe Keypoint Detection

Jump to: Setup | Windows installation instructions | Usage example

This repository contains code for running a giraffe keypoint detection model. The model estimates 4 keypoint locations in images containing a single giraffe, namely: top of ossicone, top of head, neck indent, and front bottom hoof. This model was trained using the WNI Giraffes datasets on The model inference script is set up to process a directory of images at a time and generate a summary CSV file containing the keypoint locations for each input image, as well as a mirror directory that contains the keypoints overlaid on downscaled versions of each image in the input directory.

For more information about this project, see the project slides or this recorded seminar.

Figure 1. Giraffe keypoint detection result.


Install the development environment using the following commands:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate giraffes

Download the PyTorch file from here and place it in the root directory of this repository, then run python and/or download the pre-converted ONNX model file from here and place it in the root directory of this repository.

Creating a Windows executable

On a Windows machine, run the following commands:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate giraffesdist
pyinstaller -F

This will create a self-contained executable, dist/giraffes_detector_onnx.exe, that can be run on any Windows machine (inference runs on CPU). This executable will behave exactly as python, but removes the need for end users to install Python and the necessary dependencies on their machine.

Usage example

The following command will run the model on all images in the data/ directory and save the results to the output/ directory. Additionally, the files output/output.csv and output/empty_images.csv will be created. The former contains the keypoint locations for each input image, and the latter contains the names of any images that were empty (i.e. no giraffe detected).

python --input_directory data/ --output_directory output/ --model_fn keypoint_model_7_26_2023.onnx


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This project is licensed under the MIT License.

The example image files in data/ are part of the WNI Giraffes dataset and are licensed under the Community Data License Agreement (permissive variant) license.


A repository for automating keypoint identification in imagery of giraffes.



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