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IryoNLP @ MEDIQA-CORR Challenge

Schema of MedReAct'N'MedReFlex

Figure 1. Schema of MedReAct'N'MedReFlex (i.e. associated with script along the context of the clinical error correction task accessible to all medical agents (MedReAct, MedReFlex, MedEval and MedFinalParser). A) The MedReAct agent is first providing an observation, a thought and an action. B) In the case of a search action, it triggers a semantic search over ClinicalCorp using MedReAct's query. C) After $N$ unsuccessful searches from MedReAct, the MedReFlex agent reflects about the current situation and suggest a solution. Then, MedReAct might start again. D) Once MedReAc selects the final_mistake action, the five MedEval agents review the answer and give a score between 1 and 5. E) If the average is above or equal to 4 and the minimum above or equal 3, the MedFinalParser agent formats the final answer into a JSON object. If the answer is not satisfactory, ReFlex is instead triggered. If ReFlex reaches unsuccessfully the Mth turns, MedFinalParser concludes that there is no error.


To setup environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Provide a .env file for semantic-kernel with azure openai environment variables using authentification with the azure token provider:


Create ChromaDB Vector Database

ChromaDB installation can raise issues depending on the environment. We highly recommand to use a chromadb docker container instance as back-end.

Check doc here sqlite3 can be problematic to install, but the hack is provided in to swap pysqlite3 as sqlite3 for the required latest version of sqlite3.

Check bash script for general idea about how to use CLI Available here:


It invokes python like this:

python -m fill_db -p $CHROMA_PATH -fs $FEW_SHOTS -mw $SOURCE_DIR -em $EMBEDER
  • $EMBEDER is the path to the embedding model from HuggingFace.
  • One of the two following sources:
    • $FEW_SHOTS is the path to the train set loaded into pandas in memory to dump in chromadb. This is used for the baseline with ./
    • $SOURCE_DIR this is to point to a local HuggingFace dataset to load into the vector database for semantic search for both and
  • $CHROMA_PATH is the path to create the db's directory. This is only required for a persistent client with local database. Make it empty if you are using the docker container alternative.

Once created, it can be used in the previous section for dynamic KNN vector search.


The ClinicalCorp is a corpus built from the guidelines, MedCorp and MedWiki datasets. Some preprocessing code to prepare the data for is available in clinical_corp, but most datasets rely on the original methods to gather the data first. The easiest datasets to get are: Guidelines (open-source), Textbook from MedCorp and MedWiki.


This corpus has an open-source and close-source parts.


You can download the 8 open-source datasets (i.e. excluding ICRC which is not relevant for the task) from guidelines here: . We chunked the documents using LangChain's recurrent character text splitter and we provided this version here: .


This part of the corpus require scrapping locally with the github repository from Meditron inside gap-replay/guidelines directory: . This part is tricky, and requires custom installations and debugging most likely. We specifically used in ClinicalCorp:, GuidelineCentral, AAFP, IDSA, and CPS. After that, the parsing needs to be done with RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from LangChain (chunk_size=1000 and chunk_overlap=200).



The Textbooks dataset is available here: .


The StatPearl dataset can be scrapped following these:


The MedWiki dataset is available on the HF Hub here: jpcorb20/medical_wikipedia.

Baseline Few-Shot on Parametric Memory only

Run baseline few-shot

Check bash script for general idea about how to use CLI Available here:


It invokes python like this:

python -m main -f $FILE -fs $FEW_SHOTS -n 3 -o "output"

$FILE is CSV file provided by MEDIQA-Corr (usually, validation set) loaded with pandas DataFrame. There are sampling parameters for dev purposes (sampling of validation set with -s 50 and skip first rows with -sr 16). $FEW_SHOTS is the train set CSV file from which to sample n examples randomly each inference. These variables can also work for dynamic KNN vector search from chromadb vector database, $FEW_SHOTS needs to point to chromadb directory.

Reasoning for CoT

To leverage the CoT prompting, we need reasoning for each element in the train set. Thus, we wrote a python CLI script to do so:



After preparation of the ClinicalCorp, the MedReact agent only method can be used with:

python -m react -f $FILE -o $OUTPUT -db $CHROMA_PATH  -em $EMB_MODEL


After preparation of the ClinicalCorp, the proposed MedReAct'N'MedReFkex method inspired by the Reflexion approach can be used with:

python -m reflexion -f $FILE -o $OUTPUT -db $CHROMA_PATH -em $EMB_MODEL


The original code available here, which was refactored to use more easily as a CLI.


Calling the python

python -m evaluation.cli -f $SUBMISSION_FILE -c $REF_CSV  -m $MODEL_DIR -fr

$SUBMISSION_FILE is the output file from the $REF_CSV is the reference valiation CSV. MODEL_DIR is the directory containing the models used for BLEURT and BERTSCORE. -fr (as in "filter reference") mode is used to filter only on identifiers present in the submission file to compute realistic metrics on subsets of the validation set. Missed identifiers will be displayed.


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  title={IryoNLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Tackling the Medical Error Detection & Correction Task On the Shoulders of Medical Agents}, 
  author={Jean-Philippe Corbeil},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.15488},


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