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Tutorial demonstrating basic usage of the DeployR Java client library.


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DeployR Java Client Library Basics

The following tutorial demonstrates a wide range of basic functionalities available on the DeployR Java Client Library. These examples make concrete the ideas introduced by the Quick Start Tutorial for developers using the client library.

About: Client Library

The DeployR API exposes a wide range of DeployR-powered R analytics services to client application developers. To simplify the integration of DeployR services within client applications, several client libraries are provided for Java, JavaScript and .NET developers.

Tutorial: Get Connected

The first step for any client application developer using the Java client library is to establish a connection with the DeployR server. Further information detailing connections can be found here.

Tutorial: Get Authenticated

Once a connection to the DeployR server has been established the next step for a client application developer is to decide if end-users or the application itself needs access to authenticated services on the API.

If authenticated project, background job or repository management services are needed by the application then the application must first authenticate. If an application only uses anonymous services then the application can operate anonymously, without ever authenticating. Further information detailing authenticaton can be found here.

Tutorial: Authenticated Project Services

An authenticated user or simply an authenticated client application has access to the full range of authenticated services offered on the DeployR API. Further information detailing authenticated project services can be found here.

Tutorial: Authenticated Background Services

An authenticated user or simply an authenticated client application has access to the full range of authenticated services offered on the DeployR API. Further information detailing authenticated background services can be found here.

Tutorial: Authenticated Repository Services

An authenticated user or simply an authenticated client application has access to the full range of authenticated services offered on the DeployR API. Further information detailing authenticated repository services can be found here.

Tutorial: Anonymous Project Services

An anonymous user, being any user that has not authenticated with the DeployR server, only has access to anonymous services offered on the DeployR API. There is just one single services category for anonymous services, anonymous project services. Further information detailing anonymous project services can be found here.

Tutorial: Running The Examples

Use the DeployR CLI to download and run the java-example-client-basics examples.


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Tutorial demonstrating basic usage of the DeployR Java client library.



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