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JasperReports Server Client Library for DeployR

A simple Java library for integrating DeployR capabilities into Jaspersoft's JasperReports Server BI Suite.

This library provides an implementation of a DeployR-aware JRQueryExecuter. This query executer generates an RDataSource. This data source can be used to integrate R session data generated by a DeployR R script execution into a Jasper Report.



Declarative JAR Dependencies: Maven Central Repository Artifacts

Artifacts for each official release (since 7.3.0) of the JasperReports Server client library for DeployR are published to the Maven Central repository.

ArtifactId: jRQueryExecutor

Using build frameworks such as Maven and Gradle your client application can simply declare a dependency on the appropriate version of the jRQueryExecuter artifact to ensure all required JAR dependencies are resolved and available at runtime.

Building the JasperReports Server Client Client Library

A Gradle build script is provided to build the JasperReports Server client library:


By default, the build will generate a version of the jRQueryExecuter-<version>.jar file in the build/libs directory.

You do not need to install Gradle before running these commands. To build this library on a Unix based OS, run the following shell script:

gradlew build

To build the this library on a Windows based OS, run the following batch file:

gradlew.bat build


Copyright (C) 2010-2015 by Revolution Analytics Inc.

This program is licensed to you under the terms of Version 2.0 of the Apache License. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the Apache License 2.0 ( for more details.