kGrid (keyGrid) is a grid control based on jQuery. The control can show your data elegantly in different devices. Below are some highlights of the control:
- Fast. kGrid supports UI rendering, cell by cell for large data set, not only for rows but also for columns.
- Responsive. kGrid changes view for narrow screen devices.
- Easy to Customize. Developers can easily change theme for the control. One can also use different templates for headers or cells.
- Easy to integrate. Developers can quickly integrate the control to the web page by well-defined APIs.
- Right-to-left support. kGrid supports right-to-left direction in right-to-left environment.
More information in demo page.
- git clone
- npm install -g grunt-cli
- npm install
- grunt all or grunt build
grunt all if you are build at first time and this commnd will download bower dependences. Later, you can use grunt build to rebuild the project