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[docs][examples] Clarify relationship between xentropy and binary (
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* Note the relationship between `binary` and `xentropy` in the docs and provide an example that compares them

* Pass pylint and fix docs formatting. "pylint: disable = no-name-in-module" because pylint does not believe scipy.special contains expit

* pass pycodestyle

* pass pycodestyle with correct flags; document example in readme
  • Loading branch information
zkurtz authored and guolinke committed May 22, 2018
1 parent 14110e3 commit bdd30e4
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Parameters.rst
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Core Parameters

- ``tweedie``, Tweedie regression with log-link. It might be useful, e.g., for modeling total loss in insurance, or for any target that might be `tweedie-distributed`_

- ``binary``, binary `log loss`_ classification application
- ``binary``, binary `log loss`_ classification (or logistic regression). Requires labels in {0, 1}; see ``xentropy`` for general probability labels in [0, 1]

- multi-class classification application

Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions examples/python-guide/
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Here is an example for LightGBM to use Python-package.

You should install LightGBM [Python-package]( first.

You also need scikit-learn, pandas and matplotlib (only for plot example) to run the examples, but they are not required for the package itself. You can install them with pip:
You also need scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib (only for plot example), and scipy (only for logistic regression example) to run the examples, but they are not required for the package itself. You can install them with pip:

pip install scikit-learn pandas matplotlib -U
pip install scikit-learn pandas matplotlib scipy -U

Now you can run examples in this folder, for example:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,3 +41,8 @@ Examples include:
- Self-defined objective function
- Self-defined eval metric
- Callback function
- [](
- Use objective `xentropy` or `binary`
- Use `xentropy` with binary labels or probability labels
- Use `binary` only with binary labels
- Compare speed of `xentropy` versus `binary`
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions examples/python-guide/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# pylint: disable = no-name-in-module
BLUF: The `xentropy` objective does logistic regression and generalizes
to the case where labels are probabilistic (i.e. numbers between 0 and 1).
Details: Both `binary` and `xentropy` minimize the log loss and use
`boost_from_average = TRUE` by default. Possibly the only difference
between them with default settings is that `binary` may achieve a slight
speed improvement by assuming that the labels are binary instead of

import time

import lightgbm as lgb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.special import expit

# Simulate some binary data with a single categorical and
# single continuous predictor
N = 1000
X = pd.DataFrame({
'continuous': range(N),
'categorical': np.repeat([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], N / 5)
CATEGORICAL_EFFECTS = [-1, -1, -2, -2, 2]
LINEAR_TERM = np.array([
-0.5 + 0.01 * X['continuous'][k]
+ CATEGORICAL_EFFECTS[X['categorical'][k]] for k in range(X.shape[0])
]) + np.random.normal(0, 1, X.shape[0])
Y = np.random.binomial(1, TRUE_PROB, size=N)
DATA = {
'X': X,
'probability_labels': TRUE_PROB,
'binary_labels': Y,
'lgb_with_binary_labels': lgb.Dataset(X, Y),
'lgb_with_probability_labels': lgb.Dataset(X, TRUE_PROB),

# Set up a couple of utilities for our experiments
def log_loss(preds, labels):
''' logarithmic loss with non-necessarily-binary labels '''
log_likelihood = np.sum(labels * np.log(preds)) / len(preds)
return -log_likelihood

def experiment(objective, label_type, data):
Measure performance of an objective
:param objective: (str) 'binary' or 'xentropy'
:param label_type: (str) 'binary' or 'probability'
:param data: DATA
:return: dict with experiment summary stats
nrounds = 5
lgb_data = data['lgb_with_' + label_type + '_labels']
params = {
'objective': objective,
'feature_fraction': 1,
'bagging_fraction': 1,
'verbose': -1
time_zero = time.time()
gbm = lgb.train(params, lgb_data, num_boost_round=nrounds)
y_fitted = gbm.predict(data['X'])
y_true = data[label_type + '_labels']
duration = time.time() - time_zero
return {
'time': duration,
'correlation': np.corrcoef(y_fitted, y_true)[0, 1],
'logloss': log_loss(y_fitted, y_true)

# Observe the behavior of `binary` and `xentropy` objectives
print('Performance of `binary` objective with binary labels:')
print(experiment('binary', label_type='binary', data=DATA))

print('Performance of `xentropy` objective with binary labels:')
print(experiment('xentropy', label_type='binary', data=DATA))

print('Performance of `xentropy` objective with probability labels:')
print(experiment('xentropy', label_type='probability', data=DATA))

# Trying this throws an error on non-binary values of y:
# experiment('binary', label_type='probability', DATA)

# The speed of `binary` is not drastically different than
# `xentropy`. `xentropy` runs faster than `binary` in many cases, although
# there are reasons to suspect that `binary` should run faster when the
# label is an integer instead of a float
K = 10
A = [experiment('binary', label_type='binary', data=DATA)['time']
for k in range(K)]
B = [experiment('xentropy', label_type='binary', data=DATA)['time']
for k in range(K)]
print('Best `binary` time: ' + str(min(A)))
print('Best `xentropy` time: ' + str(min(B)))

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