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How to use Spatial Datatypes (Geometry and Geography)

Peter Bae edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Spatial datatypes (Geometry and Geography) are supported starting JDBC Driver preview release 6.5.0. Spatial datatypes are not supported with stored procedures, Table Valued Parameters (TVP), BulkCopy, and AE for now. This page shows various use cases of Geometry and Geography data types with JDBC Driver. For an overview on spatial datatypes, check Spatial Data Types Overview page.

Creating a Geometry / Geography object

There are two main ways to create a Geometry / Geography object - either convert from a Well-Known Text (WKT) or a Well-Known Binary (WKB).

  1. Creating from WKT:
String geoWKT = "LINESTRING(1 0, 0 1, -1 0)";
Geometry geomWKT = Geometry.STGeomFromText(geoWKT, 0);
Geography geogWKT = Geography.STGeomFromText(geoWKT, 4326);

This will create a LINESTRING Geometry object with Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) 0, and a Geography object with SRID 4326.

  1. Creating from WKB:
byte[] geomWKB = Hex.decodeHex("00000000010403000000000000000000F03F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F03F000000000000F0BF000000000000000001000000010000000001000000FFFFFFFF0000000002".toCharArray());
byte[] geogWKB = Hex.decodeHex("E61000000104030000000000000000000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F0BF01000000010000000001000000FFFFFFFF0000000002".toCharArray());

Geometry geomWKT = Geometry.deserialize(geomWKB);
Geography geogWKT = Geography.deserialize(geogWKB);

This will create a Geometry and Geography object that is equivalent to the ones created from the WKT previously.

Working with a Geometry / Geography object

Assuming you have a table on SQL Server like this:

CREATE TABLE sampleTable (c1 geometry)  

A sample script to insert a Geometry value:

String geoWKT = "LINESTRING(1 0, 0 1, -1 0)";
Geometry geomWKT = Geometry.STGeomFromText(geoWKT, 0);
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("insert into sampleTable values (?)");   
pstmt.setGeometry(1, geomWKT);  

The same can be done for Geography counterpart, using a Geography column and setGeography method.

To read Geometry / Geography column:

SQLServerResultSet rs = (SQLServerResultSet) stmt.executeQuery("select * from sampleTable ");;          

The same can be done for Geography counterpart, using a Geography column and getGeography method.

Limitations of Spatial Datatypes

1- The spatial sub-datatypes CircularString, CompoundCurve, CurvePolygon, and FullGlobe are only supported starting from SQL Server 2012 and above.

2- Always Encrypted cannot be used with spatial datatypes.

3- Stored procedures, TVP and BulkCopy are currently not supported with spatial datatypes.

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