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JDBC Survey Results

Andrea Lam edited this page May 16, 2017 · 11 revisions

JDBC Driver for SQL Server - Pulse Survey

Results from the survey published on Feb 23, 2017 and closed on March 14, 2017.

Number of Respondents: 45

All questions below allowed multiple answers. As a result, %s in results below do not always total 100%.

What is your build system of choice?

Answer Choice Results
Maven 73.33%
Grade 28.89%
Ant 6.67%

How do you obtain the JDBC driver?

Answer Choice Results
Download jar or add as dependency from Maven Central 86.67%
Download jar from Microsoft Download Center 13.33%
Download jar from GitHub 13.33%

What version(s) of Java do your applications use?

Answer Choice Results
Java 8 95.56%
Java 7 28.89%
Java 9 6.67%
Java 6 4.44%

What type of JVM do you use?

Answer Choice Results
Oracle JVM 88.89%
OpenJDK 37.78%
IBM JVM 4.44%
IcedTeam 2.22%
Azul 2.22%

What operating system do you use with Java?

Answer Choice Results
Windows 10 54.55%
Ubuntu 16.04 45.45%
Windows 7 29.55%
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7/CentOS 7 28.89%
macOS Sierra 22.73%
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/CentOS 6 20.45%
Ubuntu 16.10 (Preview) 13.64%
Windows Server 2012 8.89%
Ubuntu 15.10 4.55%
SUSE Enterprise Linux 12 4.55%
OS X El Capitan 4.55%
Ubuntu 14.04 2.22%
Windows Server 2016 2.22%
Windows Server 2008R2 2.22%
Azure App Server (Windows) 2.22%
Arch Linux 2.22%
OpenSolaris 11 2.22%
openSUSE Leap/Tumbleweed 2.22%

What version of SQL Server does your Java application connect to?

Answer Choice Results
SQL Server 2016 62.22%
SQL Server 2012 44.44%
SQL Server 2014 44.44%
SQL Server 2008R2 37.78%
SQL Server 2008 17.78%
Azure SQL Database 17.78%
SQL Server 2005 11.11%
SQL Server vNext (2017) 6.67%
Azure SQL Data Warehouse 4.44%

JDBC Driver for SQL Server - Developer Survey

Results from the survey published on March 13, 2017 and closed on April 7, 2017.

Number of Respondents: 21

All questions below allowed multiple answers. As a result, %s in results below do not always total 100%.

What types of getting started resources do you find most helpful?

Answer Choice Results
Code-level examples and walk-throughs 90.48%
Official documentation 57.14%
JavaDocs 19.05%
Short animations demonstrating product features 9.52%
Video demonstrations 9.52%
Tutorial within the tool/IDE you currently use 9.52%
I don't need any help 4.75%

What editors and/or IDEs have you used as your primary editor in the last 3 months to create new Java applications?

Answer Choice Results
Eclipse 66.67%
IntelliJ IDEA 42.86%
Netbeans 23.81%
Notepad++ 14.29%
Visual Studio 9.52%
Android Studio 4.76%
Sublime Text 4.76%
Visual Studio Code 4.76%
Atom 4.76%

What tools do you use for continuous deployment and DevOps?

Answer Choice Results
Jenkins 88.24%
Docker 52.94%
Travis CI 17.65%
Flyaway 17.65%
Chef 11.76%
Amsible 5.88%
Team City 5.88%
Liquibase 5.88%

What frameworks have you used?

Answer Choice Results
Spring Boot 50.00%
Spring MVC 44.44%
GWT 22.22%
JSF 22.22%
Struts 2 11.11%
Wicket 11.11%
Play 1 5.56%
Dropwizard 5.56%
Apache Kafka 5.56%
Stripes 5.56%
RESTX 5.56%

What major features do you use in the JDBC driver?

Answer Choice Results
Bulk Copy 54.55%
Always Encrypted 36.36% (Additional comment: "We could not use Always Encrypted as it is not supported by ORMs")
Table-Valued Parameters 27.27%
Azure Active Directory Authentication 0.00%
Internationalized Domain Names 0.00%

On a scale of 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (extremely satisfied), how would you rate the JDBC Driver for SQL Server?

Average number: 7

JDBC Driver for SQL Server - Prioritization Survey

Results from the survey published on April 7, 2017 and closed on May 2, 2017.

Number of Respondents: 43

All questions below allowed multiple answers. As a result, %s in results below do not always total 100%.

What features/improvements would you like to see in the JDBC Driver for SQL Server? Please rank the options below.

Feature 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Multiple Active Result Sets 0 28.13% 21.88% 21.88% 28.13% 2.50
SQL Variant Data Type Support 6.25% 18.75% 12.50% 28.13% 34.38% 2.34
Idle Connection Resiliency 3.13% 31.25 % 43.75% 15.63% 6.25% 3.09
Bug fixes for issues reported 42.86% 25.71% 14.29% 11.43% 5.71% 3.89
Other 64.71% 5.88% 0.00% 14.71% 14.71% 3.91

If you answered, "Other" to the question above (Q1), what would you like us to prioritize?

Answer Responses
Fix issue #244 25
Performance - cache prepared statements 2
Kerberos support 1
SocketTimeOut / Query Timeout 1

On a scale of 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (extremely satisfied), how would you rate the JDBC Driver for SQL Server?

Average number: 7

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