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Configure SharePoint Storage

Derek Smay edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

Setup and configure SharePoint Storage

The VaxApp has the ability to offload images stored in Teams Dataverse table to SharePoint online. The setting to toggle the ability to use SharePoint Online vs Teams Dataverse storage is within the admin screen Configure Solution Settings. To enable the feature set value to Yes.

Enable SharePoint Storage

1. Import Flows

Download the 2 Flows located in the GitHub repo under solutions Flows

  1. Open Teams Dataverse to team where VaxApp was deployed and click on Build > See All

Importing Flows

  1. Select Cloud Flows

Select Flows

  1. Click on import and browse to zip file

If you don't have existing SharePoint connection click on new connections create connection to SharePoint. Once connection is created return to screen and select refresh and select newly created connection.

Importing Flows

  1. Import the solution

2. Create SharePoint lists for storage and configure Flows

The solution contains 2 Flow. The CreateDropOffLibraryandFinalEmail is used to create lists within a SharePoint site to host the images. The second Flow VaccineDropOffFlow is used to move Flows and apply metadata.

Create SharePoint Lists with Flow

  1. Create SharePoint Connection

  2. Select CreateDropOffLibraryandFinalEmail flow from the cloud Flows within Teams Dataverse

Select CreateDropOffLibraryandFinalEmail Flow

  1. Click on the run button

Run CreateDropOffLibraryandFinalEmail Flow

  1. Enter in SharePoint URL for hosting the images for VaxApp

Run CreateDropOffLibraryandFinalEmail Flow

  1. Click on run button

Configure VaccineDropOffFlow

  1. Create SharePoint Connection

  2. Select VaccineDropOffFlow from the cloud Flows within Teams Dataverse

Select VaccineDropOffFlow

  1. Click on edit button

Edit VaccineDropOffFlow

  1. Edit SharePoint Url and list on each of the SharePoint actions within the Flow

  2. Use Drop Off Images List for list value in the following actions:

    • Get Items
    • Get Attachments
    • Get attachments content
    • Delete item
  3. Use VaccineImagesLibrary for Folder Path in Create File actions

Folder Path

  1. Use Vaccine Images Library for library name in Update File properties actions
  2. Save Flow

3. Update PowerApp SharePoint Connection

  1. Select VaxApp from with apps in Teams Dataverse

Select App

  1. Remove the SharePoint connection from the connections list within app

Remove Connection

  1. Click on add data and select SharePoint connector

Add Connection

  1. Select SharePoint Url where you configured lists for hosting

Select  SharePoint site

  1. Select the Drop Off List library for the list of lists

Select  SharePoint list

  1. Confirm there are no errors under the app checker, save and publish to Teams.

Confirm errors and publish