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Ops and Kernels

Gary Miguel edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Understand the difference between Schema and Kernel


  • Read onnx.proto and onnx-ml.proto and understand the design principle behind it

  • Get familiar with the operators

    • Must know: Dropout, MatMul, Gemm, Transpose, ReduceSum, Reshape
  • Understand the concept and purpose of opset, domain

    • When to use which?

      • onnx domain
      • ms domain
  • Understand the C++ data structure in onnx::TensorProto, onnx::AttributeProto, onnx::TypeProto

  • Understand how Shape and Type Inference works in the schema definition

  • Function Ops

Op Schema

  • Understand the difference among the following 3 sets of schema. When to use which?

  • Action: Add an op or update an op's schema to get hands-on experience

Op Kernels

  • Kernel Declaration and Registry

    • Understand when to use which registry for a kernel

    • Inference Kernels

      • ONNX Op Kernels

      • Contrib Op Kernels

        • Advanced:
    • Training Kernels

      • Advanced:
  • Kernel Implementation

    • Tensor vs. OrtValue

      • Read tensor.h and ml_value.h
      • What's the difference between Tensor and OrtValue? Why we need two classes?
      • How to get a Tensor from OrtValue?
      • How to get data's raw pointer from a Tensor?
    • Kernel Definition

      • When to use Alias() and VariadicAlias()?
      • How to set TypeConstraint()?
      • When to use InputMemoryType<OrtMemTypeCPUInput>?
    • CPU Kernel vs. CUDA Kernel

      • What does it mean to have a CPU input/output for a CUDA kernel?
    • Gradient Kernels

      • Examples

        • Easy: DropoutGrad, GeluGrad
        • Medium: GatherGrad
        • Hard: LayerNormalizationGrad
      • Understand how to write unit tests to check gradient's correctness

    • Understand how to user OpTester in unit tests

    • Action: Implement a kernel to get hands-on experience