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cherrypick(release-1.7): fix(selector): bring back v1 query logic (#4791
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PR #4754
SHA: 5a1c9f1
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dgozman committed Dec 21, 2020
1 parent 29568e8 commit 64c8639
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Showing 5 changed files with 77 additions and 175 deletions.
147 changes: 27 additions & 120 deletions src/server/common/selectorParser.ts
Expand Up @@ -14,144 +14,51 @@
* limitations under the License.

import { CSSComplexSelector, CSSComplexSelectorList, CSSFunctionArgument, CSSSimpleSelector, parseCSS } from './cssParser';
import { CSSComplexSelectorList, parseCSS } from './cssParser';

export type ParsedSelectorV1 = {
parts: {
name: string,
body: string,
capture?: number,
export type ParsedSelectorPart = {
name: string,
body: string,
} | CSSComplexSelectorList;

export type ParsedSelector = {
v1?: ParsedSelectorV1,
v2?: CSSComplexSelectorList,
names: string[],
parts: ParsedSelectorPart[],
capture?: number,

export function selectorsV2Enabled() {
return true;

export function selectorsV2EngineNames() {
return ['not', 'is', 'where', 'has', 'scope', 'light', 'visible', 'text-matches', 'text-is'];
const customCSSNames = new Set(['not', 'is', 'where', 'has', 'scope', 'light', 'visible', 'text', 'text-matches', 'text-is']);

export function parseSelector(selector: string, customNames: Set<string>): ParsedSelector {
const v1 = parseSelectorV1(selector);
const names = new Set<string>();
for (const { name } of {
if (!customNames.has(name))
throw new Error(`Unknown engine "${name}" while parsing selector ${selector}`);

if (!selectorsV2Enabled()) {
return {
names: Array.from(names),
export function parseSelector(selector: string): ParsedSelector {
const result = parseSelectorV1(selector);

const chain = (from: number, to: number, turnFirstTextIntoScope: boolean): CSSComplexSelector => {
const result: CSSComplexSelector = { simples: [] };
for (const part of, to)) {
let name =;
let wrapInLight = false;
if (['css:light', 'xpath:light', 'text:light', 'id:light', 'data-testid:light', 'data-test-id:light', 'data-test:light'].includes(name)) {
wrapInLight = true;
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(':'));
if (selectorsV2Enabled()) { = => {
if (Array.isArray(part))
return part;
if ( === 'css' || === 'css:light') {
if ( === 'css:light')
part.body = ':light(' + part.body + ')';
const parsedCSS = parseCSS(part.body, customCSSNames);
return parsedCSS.selector;
if (name === 'css') {
const parsed = parseCSS(part.body, customNames);
parsed.names.forEach(name => names.add(name));
if (wrapInLight || parsed.selector.length > 1) {
let simple = callWith('is', parsed.selector);
if (wrapInLight)
simple = callWith('light', [simpleToComplex(simple)]);
result.simples.push({ selector: simple, combinator: '' });
} else {
} else if (name === 'text') {
let simple = textSelectorToSimple(part.body);
if (turnFirstTextIntoScope)
simple.functions.push({ name: 'is', args: [ simpleToComplex(callWith('scope', [])), simpleToComplex({ css: '*', functions: [] }) ]});
if (result.simples.length)
result.simples[result.simples.length - 1].combinator = '>=';
if (wrapInLight)
simple = callWith('light', [simpleToComplex(simple)]);
result.simples.push({ selector: simple, combinator: '' });
} else {
let simple = callWith(name, [part.body]);
if (wrapInLight)
simple = callWith('light', [simpleToComplex(simple)]);
result.simples.push({ selector: simple, combinator: '' });
if (name !== 'text')
turnFirstTextIntoScope = false;
return result;

const capture = v1.capture === undefined ? - 1 : v1.capture;
const result = chain(0, capture + 1, false);
if (capture + 1 < {
const has = chain(capture + 1,, true);
const last = result.simples[result.simples.length - 1];
last.selector.functions.push({ name: 'has', args: [has] });
return part;
return { v2: [result], names: Array.from(names) };

function callWith(name: string, args: CSSFunctionArgument[]): CSSSimpleSelector {
return { functions: [{ name, args }] };

function simpleToComplex(simple: CSSSimpleSelector): CSSComplexSelector {
return { simples: [{ selector: simple, combinator: '' }]};

function textSelectorToSimple(selector: string): CSSSimpleSelector {
function unescape(s: string): string {
if (!s.includes('\\'))
return s;
const r: string[] = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < s.length) {
if (s[i] === '\\' && i + 1 < s.length)
return r.join('');

function escapeRegExp(s: string) {
return s.replace(/[.*+\?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d');

let functionName = 'text-matches';
let args: string[];
if (selector.length > 1 && selector[0] === '"' && selector[selector.length - 1] === '"') {
args = ['^' + escapeRegExp(unescape(selector.substring(1, selector.length - 1))) + '$'];
} else if (selector.length > 1 && selector[0] === "'" && selector[selector.length - 1] === "'") {
args = ['^' + escapeRegExp(unescape(selector.substring(1, selector.length - 1))) + '$'];
} else if (selector[0] === '/' && selector.lastIndexOf('/') > 0) {
const lastSlash = selector.lastIndexOf('/');
args = [selector.substring(1, lastSlash), selector.substring(lastSlash + 1)];
} else {
functionName = 'text';
args = [selector];
return callWith(functionName, args);
return {
capture: result.capture,

function parseSelectorV1(selector: string): ParsedSelectorV1 {
function parseSelectorV1(selector: string): ParsedSelector {
let index = 0;
let quote: string | undefined;
let start = 0;
const result: ParsedSelectorV1 = { parts: [] };
const result: ParsedSelector = { parts: [] };
const append = () => {
const part = selector.substring(start, index).trim();
const eqIndex = part.indexOf('=');
Expand Down
74 changes: 32 additions & 42 deletions src/server/injected/injectedScript.ts
Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@

import { createAttributeEngine } from './attributeSelectorEngine';
import { createCSSEngine } from './cssSelectorEngine';
import { SelectorEngine, SelectorRoot } from './selectorEngine';
import { createTextSelector } from './textSelectorEngine';
import { XPathEngine } from './xpathSelectorEngine';
import { ParsedSelector, ParsedSelectorV1, parseSelector, selectorsV2Enabled, selectorsV2EngineNames } from '../common/selectorParser';
import { ParsedSelector, ParsedSelectorPart, parseSelector } from '../common/selectorParser';
import { FatalDOMError } from '../common/domErrors';
import { SelectorEvaluatorImpl, SelectorEngine as SelectorEngineV2, QueryContext, isVisible, parentElementOrShadowHost } from './selectorEvaluator';
import { SelectorEvaluatorImpl, isVisible, parentElementOrShadowHost } from './selectorEvaluator';
import { createCSSEngine } from './cssSelectorEngine';

type Predicate<T> = (progress: InjectedScriptProgress, continuePolling: symbol) => T | symbol;

Expand All @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export type InjectedScriptPoll<T> = {
export class InjectedScript {
private _enginesV1: Map<string, SelectorEngine>;
private _evaluator: SelectorEvaluatorImpl;
private _engineNames: Set<string>;

constructor(customEngines: { name: string, engine: SelectorEngine}[]) {
this._enginesV1 = new Map();
Expand All @@ -64,37 +63,32 @@ export class InjectedScript {
for (const { name, engine } of customEngines)
this._enginesV1.set(name, engine);

const wrapped = new Map<string, SelectorEngineV2>();
for (const { name, engine } of customEngines)
wrapped.set(name, wrapV2(name, engine));
this._evaluator = new SelectorEvaluatorImpl(wrapped);

this._engineNames = new Set(this._enginesV1.keys());
if (selectorsV2Enabled()) {
for (const name of selectorsV2EngineNames())
// No custom engines in V2 for now.
this._evaluator = new SelectorEvaluatorImpl(new Map());

parseSelector(selector: string): ParsedSelector {
return parseSelector(selector, this._engineNames);
const result = parseSelector(selector);
for (const part of {
if (!Array.isArray(part) && !this._enginesV1.has(
throw new Error(`Unknown engine "${}" while parsing selector ${selector}`);
return result;

querySelector(selector: ParsedSelector, root: Node): Element | undefined {
if (!(root as any)['querySelector'])
throw new Error('Node is not queryable.');
if (selector.v1)
return this._querySelectorRecursivelyV1(root as SelectorRoot, selector.v1, 0);
return this._evaluator.evaluate({ scope: root as Document | Element, pierceShadow: true }, selector.v2!)[0];
return this._querySelectorRecursively(root as SelectorRoot, selector, 0);

private _querySelectorRecursivelyV1(root: SelectorRoot, selector: ParsedSelectorV1, index: number): Element | undefined {
private _querySelectorRecursively(root: SelectorRoot, selector: ParsedSelector, index: number): Element | undefined {
const current =[index];
if (index === - 1)
return this._enginesV1.get(!.query(root, current.body);
const all = this._enginesV1.get(!.queryAll(root, current.body);
return this._queryEngine(current, root);
const all = this._queryEngineAll(current, root);
for (const next of all) {
const result = this._querySelectorRecursivelyV1(next, selector, index + 1);
const result = this._querySelectorRecursively(next, selector, index + 1);
if (result)
return selector.capture === index ? next : result;
Expand All @@ -103,22 +97,16 @@ export class InjectedScript {
querySelectorAll(selector: ParsedSelector, root: Node): Element[] {
if (!(root as any)['querySelectorAll'])
throw new Error('Node is not queryable.');
if (selector.v1)
return this._querySelectorAllV1(selector.v1, root as SelectorRoot);
return this._evaluator.evaluate({ scope: root as Document | Element, pierceShadow: true }, selector.v2!);

private _querySelectorAllV1(selector: ParsedSelectorV1, root: SelectorRoot): Element[] {
const capture = selector.capture === undefined ? - 1 : selector.capture;
// Query all elements up to the capture.
const partsToQuerAll =, capture + 1);
const partsToQueryAll =, capture + 1);
// Check they have a descendant matching everything after the capture.
const partsToCheckOne = + 1);
let set = new Set<SelectorRoot>([ root as SelectorRoot ]);
for (const { name, body } of partsToQuerAll) {
for (const part of partsToQueryAll) {
const newSet = new Set<Element>();
for (const prev of set) {
for (const next of this._enginesV1.get(name)!.queryAll(prev, body)) {
for (const next of this._queryEngineAll(part, prev)) {
if (newSet.has(next))
Expand All @@ -130,7 +118,19 @@ export class InjectedScript {
if (!partsToCheckOne.length)
return candidates;
const partial = { parts: partsToCheckOne };
return candidates.filter(e => !!this._querySelectorRecursivelyV1(e, partial, 0));
return candidates.filter(e => !!this._querySelectorRecursively(e, partial, 0));

private _queryEngine(part: ParsedSelectorPart, root: SelectorRoot): Element | undefined {
if (Array.isArray(part))
return this._evaluator.evaluate({ scope: root as Document | Element, pierceShadow: true }, part)[0];
return this._enginesV1.get(!.query(root, part.body);

private _queryEngineAll(part: ParsedSelectorPart, root: SelectorRoot): Element[] {
if (Array.isArray(part))
return this._evaluator.evaluate({ scope: root as Document | Element, pierceShadow: true }, part);
return this._enginesV1.get(!.queryAll(root, part.body);

extend(source: string, params: any): any {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -667,16 +667,6 @@ export class InjectedScript {

function wrapV2(name: string, engine: SelectorEngine): SelectorEngineV2 {
return {
query(context: QueryContext, args: string[]): Element[] {
if (args.length !== 1 || typeof args[0] !== 'string')
throw new Error(`engine "${name}" expects a single string`);
return engine.queryAll(context.scope, args[0]);

const autoClosingTags = new Set(['AREA', 'BASE', 'BR', 'COL', 'COMMAND', 'EMBED', 'HR', 'IMG', 'INPUT', 'KEYGEN', 'LINK', 'MENUITEM', 'META', 'PARAM', 'SOURCE', 'TRACK', 'WBR']);
const booleanAttributes = new Set(['checked', 'selected', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'multiple']);

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25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions src/server/selectors.ts
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import * as dom from './dom';
import * as frames from './frames';
import * as js from './javascript';
import * as types from './types';
import { ParsedSelector, parseSelector, selectorsV2Enabled, selectorsV2EngineNames } from './common/selectorParser';
import { ParsedSelector, parseSelector } from './common/selectorParser';

export type SelectorInfo = {
parsed: ParsedSelector,
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ export type SelectorInfo = {
export class Selectors {
readonly _builtinEngines: Set<string>;
readonly _engines: Map<string, { source: string, contentScript: boolean }>;
readonly _engineNames: Set<string>;

constructor() {
// Note: keep in sync with SelectorEvaluator class.
Expand All @@ -42,12 +41,7 @@ export class Selectors {
'data-test-id', 'data-test-id:light',
'data-test', 'data-test:light',
if (selectorsV2Enabled()) {
for (const name of selectorsV2EngineNames())
this._engines = new Map();
this._engineNames = new Set(this._builtinEngines);

async register(name: string, source: string, contentScript: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
Expand All @@ -59,7 +53,6 @@ export class Selectors {
if (this._engines.has(name))
throw new Error(`"${name}" selector engine has been already registered`);
this._engines.set(name, { source, contentScript });

async _query(frame: frames.Frame, selector: string, scope?: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<dom.ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,11 +115,17 @@ export class Selectors {

_parseSelector(selector: string): SelectorInfo {
const parsed = parseSelector(selector, this._engineNames);
const needsMainWorld = parsed.names.some(name => {
const custom = this._engines.get(name);
return custom ? !custom.contentScript : false;
const parsed = parseSelector(selector);
let needsMainWorld = false;
for (const part of {
if (!Array.isArray(part)) {
const custom = this._engines.get(;
if (!custom && !this._builtinEngines.has(
throw new Error(`Unknown engine "${}" while parsing selector ${selector}`);
if (custom && !custom.contentScript)
needsMainWorld = true;
return {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/selectors-css.spec.ts
Expand Up @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ it('should work with spaces in :nth-child and :not', async ({page, server}) => {
expect(await page.$$eval(`css=div > :not(span)`, els => els.length)).toBe(2);
expect(await page.$$eval(`css=body :not(span, div)`, els => els.length)).toBe(1);
expect(await page.$$eval(`css=span, section:not(span, div)`, els => els.length)).toBe(5);
expect(await page.$$eval(`span:nth-child(23n+ 2) >> xpath=.`, els => els.length)).toBe(1);

it('should work with :is', async ({page, server}) => {
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/selectors-misc.spec.ts
Expand Up @@ -153,3 +153,8 @@ it('should work with proximity selectors', test => {
expect(await page.$$eval('div:near(#id7)', els => =>','))).toBe('id0,id3,id4,id5,id6');
expect(await page.$$eval('div:near(#id0)', els => =>','))).toBe('id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id7,id8,id9');

it('should escape the scope with >>', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent(`<div><label>Test</label><input id='myinput'></div>`);
expect(await page.$eval(`label >> xpath=.. >> input`, e =>'myinput');

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