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Business Approval Kit April 2024

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@RajeevPentyala RajeevPentyala released this 05 Apr 16:52

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What's in this April release

✨ - [Business Approvals Kit - Feature]: Process Designer - First stage condition - #16
✨ - [Business Approvals Kit - Feature]: Business Approval Management Dashboard- #22
✨ - [Business Approvals Kit - Feature]: Microsoft Graph User Out Of Office Settings and Working Hours - #169

🐛Includes following fix

🐛 - [Business Approvals Kit - BUG] Dynamic User - Manager of Last Approver - #224

📢 We also have the Connector Setup Tutorial that may also help with the custom connector setup process.


In the Update the Approvals kit with a custom connector section of the setup guide the additional notes apply:

  1. In the General Tab enter the host name the environment that the Approvals Kit has been installed. This should be in a format similar to Read #135 [Business Approvals Kit - BUG] Custom connector error
  2. You can obtain the organization url from settings Read how

👩‍💻How to Upgrade

Pre-requisites: Import Office 365 Integration solution first and setup new 'Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting' custom connector before importing latest Business Approval kit solution.

Create an Application Registration for the new Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting custom connector:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to "Azure Active Directory" in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select "App registrations" under "Manage."
  4. Click on "New registration" to create a new App registration for Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting custom connector.
  5. Enter a name and click Register.
  6. Go to API permissions from left-hand menu.
  7. Select Add a permission and select Microsoft Graph.
  8. Select permission type as Application permissions.
  9. Search MailboxSettings in the search box and add MailboxSettings.Read API permission.
  10. Grant Admin consent for the API permissions.
  11. Create a new secret under "Certificates & secrets" for the App registration.
  12. Note down the client-id, client secret and tenant id.

Update the 'Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting' Custom Connector:

  1. Open the 'Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting' custom connector.
  2. Go to the "Security" tab, click "Edit," and select Authentication type as "OAuth 2.0".
  3. Select "Azure Active Directory" as the Identity Provider.
  4. Check "Enable Service Principal Support" if unchecked.
  5. Enter the Client ID and secret of the App registration created in the previous steps.
  6. Click "Update connector" to save the changes.
  7. Copy the Redirect URL generated in the Security settings.

Add Redirect URL to App Registration:

  1. Go back to the App registration in Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on the App registration created earlier.
  3. Click on "Add a platform" under Authentication.
  4. Select "Web" as the platform and paste the copied Redirect URL.
  5. Click "Configure" to save the Redirect URL.

Creating the new Connection for Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting Custom Connector:

  1. After adding the Redirect URL, go to the 'Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting' custom connector.
  2. Navigate to the "Test" tab of the custom connector.
  3. Select "New connection" to create a new connection.
  4. Choose "Service Principal Connection" as the connection type.
  5. Enter the following details:
    • Client ID: Enter the Client ID of the App registration created in the previous steps.
    • Secret: Enter the Secret key of the App registration.
    • Tenant ID: Enter the Tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory.
  6. Select Create Connection.
  7. Refresh the connection if new connection does not show.

Testing Operations:
Now that the connection is established, you can test the operations of the custom connector:

  1. In the Test tab, select the operation you want to test (for example, "GetUserAutomaticRepliesSetting").
  2. Enter any User's UPN (User Principal Name) present in the tenant.
  3. Click on "Test operation" to execute the operation with the provided UPN.
  4. Review the response to ensure that the operation is successful and the desired mailbox settings are retrieved.

After setting up the Microsoft Graph MailboxSetting , in order to use and retrieve OOF settings from Outlook set Enable Office 365 Mailbox Setting environment variable to Yes on import of Business Approval Kit solution.

We have also introduced an Out Of Office Check Days environment variable which gives us some flexibility on deciding whether the user should be set OOF or not.

If you are upgrading from the previous months release, you will also need to update the custom connector with the OAuth Security settings for your Approvals custom connector. This can be done using the following steps:

  1. Open the Power Automate portal
  2. Select the environment you upgraded the Approvals Kit in
  3. From the left navigation select Custom Connectors. If you do not see this option select the More option and Discover All
  4. Select Edit for the Approvals Kit connector
  5. Select the Security tab
  6. Edit the OAuth 2.0 settings
  7. Paste in a client secret for the client id
  8. Ensure that Resource url contains the link to your environment. This is in format https://yourenv.crm[x] where [x] is optional depending on your region
  9. Update the connector
  10. After the update has been applied. Select the Test tab
  11. Ensure that you have a connection to the custom connector
  12. Select GetPublisherWorkflows operation
  13. Select Test operation
  14. Ensure that you have a request status of (200)


  1. Not sure on your region review
  2. You can obtain you environment url from environments or the Power Apps Portal in the settings of the environment.
  3. Issue #144 [Business Approvals Kit - BUG] Approvals Kit Upgrade - Need to update connector with OAuth Secret is tracking the need to update the custom connector after upgrade.

Setting up Power BI Template

  1. Download the Business Approvals Kit PBI Template file from the Assets.
  2. Open the file in Power BI Desktop.
  3. Enter the Organization URL in format 'yourenv.crm[x]' in which Business Approval kit solution is installed.

✍🏼Learning Path

If you're looking for a structured way to learn how to use the Business Approvals Kit, check out our learning path. This path covers key topics such as how to build, publish, and trigger an approval workflow, and how to nurture your approvals community. You can also find more information on nurturing your approvals community in our nurture guidance documentation.

👀Review backlog and give feedback

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Review the Approvals Kit Backlog. Add comments and thumbs up or down to give us feedback on the relative importance of the feature or bug to you and your organization.