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GitHub Actions / Test Results failed Jun 7, 2024 in 0s. View latest attempt.

3 fail, 5 skipped, 1 044 pass in 2h 25m 56s

    24 files      24 suites   2h 25m 56s ⏱️
 1 052 tests  1 044 ✅   5 💤 3 ❌
12 504 runs  12 389 ✅ 108 💤 7 ❌

Results for commit 250f62c.


Check warning on line 0 in tests.executor.e2etests.test_logs.TestExecutorLogs

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

1 out of 12 runs failed: test_executor_logs[print_input_flow] (tests.executor.e2etests.test_logs.TestExecutorLogs)

artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS windows-latest)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 19s]
Raw output
assert 52 <= 50
self = <executor.e2etests.test_logs.TestExecutorLogs object at 0x00000115B3397710>
folder_name = 'print_input_flow'

    def test_executor_logs(self, folder_name):
        logs_directory = Path(mkdtemp())
        flow_run_log_path = str(logs_directory / "test_flow_run.log")
        bulk_run_log_path = str(logs_directory / "test_bulk_run.log")
        # flow run: test exec_line
        with LogContext(flow_run_log_path):
            executor = FlowExecutor.create(get_yaml_file(folder_name), {})
            executor.exec_line({"text": "line_text"})
            log_content = load_content(flow_run_log_path)
            loggers_name_list = ["execution", "execution.flow"]
            missing_loggers = [logger for logger in loggers_name_list if logger not in log_content]
            assert not missing_loggers, f"Missing loggers: {missing_loggers}\nLog content:\n---\n{log_content}"
            line_count = count_lines(flow_run_log_path)
            assert 6 == line_count, f"Expected 6 lines in log, but got {line_count}\nLog content:\n---\n{log_content}"
        # bulk run: test
        # setting run_mode to BulkTest is a requirement to use bulk_logger
        with LogContext(bulk_run_log_path, run_mode=RunMode.Batch):
            log_content = load_content(bulk_run_log_path)
            loggers_name_list = ["execution", "execution.bulk"]
            # bulk logger will print the average execution time and estimated time
            bulk_logs_keywords = ["Average execution time for completed lines", "Estimated time for incomplete lines"]
            assert all(logger in log_content for logger in loggers_name_list)
            assert all(keyword in log_content for keyword in bulk_logs_keywords)
            # Customer facing log is really important, so we pay the effort to make change
            # about test wehen line count change a lot in the future.
            line_count = count_lines(bulk_run_log_path)
>           assert 40 <= line_count <= 50
E           assert 52 <= 50

D:\a\promptflow\promptflow\src\promptflow\tests\executor\e2etests\ AssertionError

Check warning on line 0 in tests.executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

3 out of 12 runs failed: test_executor_exec_line_fail_with_exception[sync_tools_failures-sync_fail-In tool raise_an_exception: dummy_input] (tests.executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures)

artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS macos-13)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS ubuntu-latest)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS windows-latest)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
assert 16 == 17
 +  where 16 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/sync_tools_failures/", line 11, in raise_an_exception', '    raise_exception(s)', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/sync_tools_failures/", line 5, in raise_exception', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception: dummy_input', ...])
 +  and   17 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '", line 11, in raise_an_exception', '    raise_exception(s)', '", line 5, in raise_exception', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception: dummy_input', ...])
self = <executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures object at 0x10e637550>
flow_folder = 'sync_tools_failures', failed_node_name = 'sync_fail'
message = 'In tool raise_an_exception: dummy_input'

        "flow_folder, failed_node_name, message",
            ("sync_tools_failures", "sync_fail", "In tool raise_an_exception: dummy_input"),
            ("async_tools_failures", "async_fail", "In tool raise_an_exception_async: dummy_input"),
    def test_executor_exec_line_fail_with_exception(self, flow_folder, failed_node_name, message):
        yaml_file = get_yaml_file(flow_folder)
        # Here we set raise_ex to True to make sure the exception is raised and we can check the error detail.
        executor = FlowExecutor.create(yaml_file, {}, raise_ex=True)
        with pytest.raises(ToolExecutionError) as e:
        ex = e.value
        assert ex.error_codes == ["UserError", "ToolExecutionError"]
        ex_str = str(ex)
        assert ex_str.startswith(f"Execution failure in '{failed_node_name}'")
        assert message in ex_str
        expected_stack_trace = expected_stack_traces[flow_folder]
        stacktrace = ex.tool_traceback.split("\n")
        #  Remove "^^^^^^^^" lines as they are not part of actual stack trace
        stacktrace = [line for line in stacktrace if "^^^^^^^^" not in line]
>       assert len(stacktrace) == len(expected_stack_trace)
E       assert 16 == 17
E        +  where 16 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/sync_tools_failures/", line 11, in raise_an_exception', '    raise_exception(s)', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/sync_tools_failures/", line 5, in raise_exception', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception: dummy_input', ...])
E        +  and   17 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '", line 11, in raise_an_exception', '    raise_exception(s)', '", line 5, in raise_exception', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception: dummy_input', ...])

/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/executor/e2etests/ AssertionError

Check warning on line 0 in tests.executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

3 out of 12 runs failed: test_executor_exec_line_fail_with_exception[async_tools_failures-async_fail-In tool raise_an_exception_async: dummy_input] (tests.executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures)

artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS macos-13)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS ubuntu-latest)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/promptflow_executor_tests Test Results (Python 3.11) (OS windows-latest)/test-results-executor-e2e.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
assert 16 == 17
 +  where 16 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/async_tools_failures/", line 11, in raise_an_exception_async', '    await raise_exception_async(s)', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/async_tools_failures/", line 5, in raise_exception_async', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception_async: dummy_input', ...])
 +  and   17 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '", line 11, in raise_an_exception_async', '    await raise_exception_async(s)', '", line 5, in raise_exception_async', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception_async: dummy_input', ...])
self = <executor.e2etests.test_executor_execution_failures.TestExecutorFailures object at 0x10e636710>
flow_folder = 'async_tools_failures', failed_node_name = 'async_fail'
message = 'In tool raise_an_exception_async: dummy_input'

        "flow_folder, failed_node_name, message",
            ("sync_tools_failures", "sync_fail", "In tool raise_an_exception: dummy_input"),
            ("async_tools_failures", "async_fail", "In tool raise_an_exception_async: dummy_input"),
    def test_executor_exec_line_fail_with_exception(self, flow_folder, failed_node_name, message):
        yaml_file = get_yaml_file(flow_folder)
        # Here we set raise_ex to True to make sure the exception is raised and we can check the error detail.
        executor = FlowExecutor.create(yaml_file, {}, raise_ex=True)
        with pytest.raises(ToolExecutionError) as e:
        ex = e.value
        assert ex.error_codes == ["UserError", "ToolExecutionError"]
        ex_str = str(ex)
        assert ex_str.startswith(f"Execution failure in '{failed_node_name}'")
        assert message in ex_str
        expected_stack_trace = expected_stack_traces[flow_folder]
        stacktrace = ex.tool_traceback.split("\n")
        #  Remove "^^^^^^^^" lines as they are not part of actual stack trace
        stacktrace = [line for line in stacktrace if "^^^^^^^^" not in line]
>       assert len(stacktrace) == len(expected_stack_trace)
E       assert 16 == 17
E        +  where 16 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/async_tools_failures/", line 11, in raise_an_exception_async', '    await raise_exception_async(s)', '  File "/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/test_configs/flows/async_tools_failures/", line 5, in raise_exception_async', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception_async: dummy_input', ...])
E        +  and   17 = len(['Traceback (most recent call last):', '", line 11, in raise_an_exception_async', '    await raise_exception_async(s)', '", line 5, in raise_exception_async', '    raise Exception(msg)', 'Exception: In raise_exception_async: dummy_input', ...])

/Users/runner/work/promptflow/promptflow/src/promptflow/tests/executor/e2etests/ AssertionError