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Neural Model Architecture

The AbstractNeuralModel class provides the structure necessary to define the neural network models in a composable manner by encapsulating all operations necessary for ingesting the raw data, transforming it into tensors and defining the neural network operations (PyTorch's nn.Modules).


The following terms are used throughout the library:

  • Metadata: All information about a model that needs to be computed from the (training) data. For example, this may include the vocabulary of tokens that a model can represent or the number of edge types a GNN needs to represent.
  • Tensorization: The process of converting raw input data into the appropriate tensor format to be used by a neural network. For example, representing a sentence into a sequence of (sub)word ids.
  • Neural Module: The definition of the tensor operations that accept as input, the tensorized data and outputs the appropriate predictions, losses etc.. These are subclasses of PyTorch's nn.Module class. A module can be composed by other modules. Note that the neural modules can be used independently of the rest of the library should one wish to do so.
  • Neural Model: A neural model (i.e. a class that subclasses AbstractNeuralModel) contains the logic for accepting raw input data, passing it to the neural module and generating the output of the model. Neural models can be thought of as the controllers or adapters of neural modules that interface between the target domain and the neural network.
Why AbstractNeuralModel?

The nn.Module class from PyTorch allows the definition of neural operations in a set of composable operations (e.g. by composing nn.Modules), but does not concern itself with how the data is transformed to/from a format that is appropriate for the neural models (commonly tensors). However, decisions about transforming raw data into tensors are highly coupled with the implementation of the nn.Module. If these two aspects are treated independently it commonly leads to tangled code, that cannot be reused. We address this shortcoming using an AbstractNeuralModel class.

The AbstractNeuralModel class defines a structure for defining composable models. This is achieved by encapsulating operations for model building, data transformations, etc.


The base classes can be found in the ptgnn.baseneuralmodel package. A high-level overview of the AbstractNeuralModel architecture can be seen below:

|                                               +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|      AbstractNeuralModel                      |                                                                       |    |
|                                               | Children                                                              |    |
|  * Compute model metadata and create an       |                                                                       |    |
|    nn.Module by invoking related methods      |                                                                       |    |
|    in child models.                           |    +-------------------------------------------------------------+    |    |
|                                               |    |                                                             |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                                             |    |    |
|     initialize_metadata()       <--------------------->  initialize_metadata() +----------+                      |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                      |                      |    |    |
|     For each training sample                  |    |                                      |                      |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                      |      Children        |    |    |
|        update_metadata_from()   <--------------------->  update_metadata_from() +------+  |  +---------------+   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                   |  |  |               |   |    |    |
|     finalize_metadata()         <--------------------->  finalize_metadata()    +----+ |  +----->            |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                 | |     |               |   |    |    |
|     build_neural_module()       <--------------------->  build_neural_module()  +    | +-------->            |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                            |    |       |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                            |    +---------->            |   |    |    |
|  * Convert a single input datapoint           |    |                            |            |               |   |    |    |
|    to a tensorized format.                    |    |                            +--------------->            |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|     For each sample:                          |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|         tensorize()             <--------------------->  tensorize()        +------------------->            |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|  * Create minibatches by combining            |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|    multiple tensorized datapoints.            |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|     initialize_minibatch()     <---------------------->  initialize_minibatch()  +------------->             |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|     For each minibatch sample:                |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|        extend_minibatch_with() <---------------------->  extend_minibatch_with()  +------------>             |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|     finalize_minibatch()       <---------------------->  finalize_minibatch()     +------------>             |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         |               |   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                         +---------------+   |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                                             |    |    |
|                                               |    |                                                             |    |    |
|                                               |    +-------------------------------------------------------------+    |    |
|                                               |                                                                       |    |
|                                               +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                                                                                            |

An AbstractNeuralModel is a neural network model that has zero or more children of type AbstractNeuralModel which in turn may have zero or more children, etc. Each concrete implementation needs to first define three types:

  • TRawDatapoint: the format of the raw input data,
  • TTensorizedDatapoint: the format of the tensorized input, and
  • TNeuralModule: the neural network module (e.g. a nn.Module) that defines the neural operations.

The following methods also need to be implemented. Most of them involve invoking the relevant function for all child modules and appropriately composing the results.

  • initialize_metadata() initializes any data structures necessary for computing the model metadata. These data structures are stored as fields within the model.

  • update_metadata_from(datapoint) accepts a single raw datapoint TRawDatapoint and updates the metadata with the information received from the new datapoint. This is commonly invoked once for each datapoint in the training set.

    The model is also responsible to appropriately unpack the TRawDatapoint and appropriately invoke update_metadata_from of each of its child models, with the appropriate input.

  • finalize_metadata() once all necessary information to compute the model metadata has been processed, the metadata can be finalized. All finalized metadata should be stored within the AbstractNeuralModel. For example, if a model accepts words, the vocabulary of words that can be represented, is defined at this stage.

  • build_neural_module() Once the metadata is finalized, a neural model TNeuralModule can be built. This returns a nn.Module. Again, the model should invoke build_neural_module() for all its child models and use the output modules to build and return a single nn.Module.

  • tensorize(datapoint) accepts a single TRawDatapoint and converts it into a TTensorizedDatapoint. This commonly requires one to unpack TRawDatapoint and pass the appropriate data to the child models' tensorize() along with computing any additional tensors/data that will be sent to the neural module.

  • initialize_minibatch() creates an empty minibatch structure that will gradually accumulate multiple TTensorizedDatapoints. Again, each model should invoke initialize_minibatch() for all its child models and store their results appropriately.

  • extend_minibatch_with(datapoint, partial_minibatch) accepts a partial minibatch (as defined by initialize_minibatch()) and extends it with one tensorized datapoint (TTensorizedDatapoint). This requires one to unpack TTensorizedDatapoint and invoke extend_minibatch_with() for all child models.

    If the minibatch should not be extended further, then this function should return False.

  • finalize_minibatch(partial_minibatch) accepts a minibatch and finalizes it by performing any necessary operations (e.g. concatenation or stacking of tensors) along with invoking finalize_minibatch for all child models. Finally, it returns a dictionary with the arguments passed to TNeuralModule's forward().

Please refer to the docstring for AbstractNeuralModel for more information. Conceptually, the following pseudocode shows the order of the functions above:

# Compute Metadata
for raw_sample in training_data:

# Build Neural Module
neural_module = build_neural_module()

# Tensorize Data
tensorized_data = (tensorize(d) for d in training_data)

# Compute forward() on Minibatches
while still_have_tensorized_data:
    mb_data = initialize_minibatch()
    while size-of(mb_data) < max_minibatch_size:
        continue_extending = extend_minibatch_with(next(tensorized_data), mb_data)
        if not continue_extending:
    minibatch = finalize_minibatch(mb_data)
    yield neural_module(**minibatch)