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Published 1.1.147

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@erictraut erictraut released this 05 Jun 00:27
· 3867 commits to main since this release

Enhancement: Added check for an attempt to instantiate a protocol class. This causes a runtime error.

Behavior Change: Closed a hole in type narrowing for "in" operator when used with TypedDict. It can eliminate types from a union only if the type is marked final.

Enhancement: Changed type printer to handle recursion differently — most notably when dealing with recursive type aliases. If it is asked to expand type aliases, it now expands only the first level of a given type alias, so if there's recursion, it will use the type alias name the second time it is encountered rather than continuing to expand it.

Enhancement: Changed reveal_type and reveal_locals to expand type aliases in their output.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type checking behavior when a type annotation involved a tuple with literal elements.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that affected the handling of a function decorator that uses ParamSpec when applied to a classmethod or staticmethod.

Enhancement: Added diagnostic for an attempt to instantiate a special type like a Union, Callable, or Optional.

Bug Fix: Improved support for generic functions that annotate a parameter and a return type with a union that includes a TypeVar. In such cases, the TypeVar may not be matched during constraint solving.

Enhancement: Improved hover text for type variables and param specs by updating the label so they are not shown simply as type aliases.

Enhancement: Updated to the latest typeshed stubs.