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Published 1.1.269

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@erictraut erictraut released this 31 Aug 00:37
· 2110 commits to main since this release

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in the reportImportCycles check to sometimes fail to detect and report some import cycles.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive error when specifying a metaclass that contains an __init__ method with unannotated parameters.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false negative when assigning a concrete type to an instance variable with a generic (class-scoped) type.

Enhancement: Enhanced the type(x) is y type guard logic to support the case where x is typed with a TypeVar bound to a class.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive error when determining type compatibility of a generic type with an invariant type parameter and a type argument that is a union which includes an instance of a class and an instance of a subclass.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when solving for a contravariant type variable when a union of callables is passed as an argument.