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Published 1.1.283

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@erictraut erictraut released this 07 Dec 07:41
· 1866 commits to main since this release

Enhancement: Added support for # pyright: ignore and # type: ignore comments that are not at the start of a comment.

Enhancement: Improved parse recovery for common indent/dedent conditions.

Bug Fix: Fixed recent regression that resulted in a false positive when a type[T] was assigned to a Callable[..., T].

Bug Fix: Fixed a regression related to a recent change in typeshed that caused imports from namespace packages to fail.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when assigning an unpacked TypeVarTuple to a regular (non-variadic) TypeVar during constraint solving. This should result in a union of the TypeVarTuple types.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive diagnostic when importing a symbol from a "py.typed" library that was imported (and re-exported) from a non-"py.typed" library.

Bug Fix: Changed ParamSpec capture logic to track the expression used for a default argument value.

Bug Fix: Fixed a recent regression that led to a false negative when evaluating the type of an unannotated variable in a loop.

Enhancement: Added support for frozen_default for dataclass_transform.

Bug Fix: Fixed recent regression that caused a false positive reportShadowedStdlibModules for relative imports and imports starting with _.

Enhancement: Show doc strings on hover over module names within import statements.

Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.

Enhancement: Added small perf optimization for determining type compatibility between two unions, especially in cases where the number of items in the union is large.

Bug Fix: Added logic to limit recursion when handling type compatibility checks between two different recursive type aliases that have the same definition.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive when passing an unpacked dict or unpacked iterable argument to the constructor of a class that has no __init__ and therefore uses object.__init__.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that led to a false positive error when using an unpacked argument that has a declared type that is a tuple with an unpacked TypeVarTuple.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive reportPrivateImportUsage diagnostic when importing from a py.typed library under certain circumstances.