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Published 1.1.67

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@erictraut erictraut released this 06 Sep 03:19

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused the recently-added "discriminated field type narrowing" to be used in cases where it should not. This resulted in types being narrowed inappropriately when a field was typed as a union of literals.

Behavior Change: Changed command-line version to not print any non-JSON output when "--outputjson" option is used.

Behavior Change: Changed behavior when "useLibraryCodeForTypes" is set to "false". Previously, all ".py" library code was ignored in this case. Now, ".py" types are used for types if the package has an associated "py.typed" file as specified in PEP 561. Packages with no "py.typed" file will still be ignored if "useLibraryCodeForTypes" is "false".

Bug Fix: Fixed a couple of bugs that resulted in the hover text incorrectly identifying a symbol as a "type alias".

Behavior Change: Changed type inference logic to use "List", "Set", and "Dict" rather than "list", "set" and "dict" when inferring the type of a list, set or dict expression. These are aliases for the same underlying class, but the upper-case versions are more consistent with type annotations used within the code.

Bug Fix: Fixed "NoReturn" inference logic for async functions. This logic was previously flagging the code after a call to such a function as unreachable.

Enhancement: Improved parser to detect syntax errors involving unpack operator within a comprehension.

Enhancement: Changed import resolution logic to allow binaries (e.g. ".so" files) to satisfy local imports (within the package), not just third-party imports (within site-packages).

Enhancement: Extended bidirectional type inference (expected types) to list comprehensions.

New Feature: Added new diagnostic rule "reportPropertyTypeMismatch" that verifies that the type of the input parameter to a property's setter is assignable to the return type of the getter.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused a crash in the type checker in cases where type arguments were not provided to a few special-case built-in classes.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the handling of generics that involve constrained TypeVars. The TypeVar matching logic was sometimes inappropriately specializing the type using the first constrained type.

Bug Fix: Added special-case handling in type checker for callers who request the type of an expression that happens to be a name used in a call expression to designate a named parameter. This isn't really an expression, so the code wasn't handling it correctly, but callers (such as the hover provider and the new semantic token provider) were assuming that it was safe. This resulted in incorrect "X is not defined" diagnostics being logged.