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Data Retrieval

.. currentmodule:: qlib


Users can get stock data with Qlib. The following examples demonstrate the basic user interface.


QLib Initialization:


In order to get the data, users need to initialize Qlib with qlib.init first. Please refer to initialization.

If users followed steps in initialization and downloaded the data, they should use the following code to initialize qlib

>> import qlib
>> qlib.init(provider_uri='~/.qlib/qlib_data/cn_data')

Load trading calendar with given time range and frequency:

>> from import D
>> D.calendar(start_time='2010-01-01', end_time='2017-12-31', freq='day')[:2]
[Timestamp('2010-01-04 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2010-01-05 00:00:00')]

Parse a given market name into a stock pool config:

>> from import D
>> D.instruments(market='all')
{'market': 'all', 'filter_pipe': []}

Load instruments of certain stock pool in the given time range:

>> from import D
>> instruments = D.instruments(market='csi300')
>> D.list_instruments(instruments=instruments, start_time='2010-01-01', end_time='2017-12-31', as_list=True)[:6]
['SH600036', 'SH600110', 'SH600087', 'SH600900', 'SH600089', 'SZ000912']

Load dynamic instruments from a base market according to a name filter

>> from import D
>> from import NameDFilter
>> nameDFilter = NameDFilter(name_rule_re='SH[0-9]{4}55')
>> instruments = D.instruments(market='csi300', filter_pipe=[nameDFilter])
>> D.list_instruments(instruments=instruments, start_time='2015-01-01', end_time='2016-02-15', as_list=True)
['SH600655', 'SH601555']

Load dynamic instruments from a base market according to an expression filter

>> from import D
>> from import ExpressionDFilter
>> expressionDFilter = ExpressionDFilter(rule_expression='$close>2000')
>> instruments = D.instruments(market='csi300', filter_pipe=[expressionDFilter])
>> D.list_instruments(instruments=instruments, start_time='2015-01-01', end_time='2016-02-15', as_list=True)
['SZ000651', 'SZ000002', 'SH600655', 'SH600570']

For more details about filter, please refer Filter API.

Load features of certain instruments in a given time range:

>> from import D
>> instruments = ['SH600000']
>> fields = ['$close', '$volume', 'Ref($close, 1)', 'Mean($close, 3)', '$high-$low']
>> D.features(instruments, fields, start_time='2010-01-01', end_time='2017-12-31', freq='day').head()

                           $close     $volume  Ref($close, 1)  Mean($close, 3)  $high-$low
   instrument  datetime
   SH600000    2010-01-04  86.778313  16162960.0       88.825928        88.061483    2.907631
               2010-01-05  87.433578  28117442.0       86.778313        87.679273    3.235252
               2010-01-06  85.713585  23632884.0       87.433578        86.641825    1.720009
               2010-01-07  83.788803  20813402.0       85.713585        85.645322    3.030487
               2010-01-08  84.730675  16044853.0       83.788803        84.744354    2.047623

Load features of certain stock pool in a given time range:


With cache enabled, the qlib data server will cache data all the time for the requested stock pool and fields, it may take longer to process the request for the first time than that without cache. But after the first time, requests with the same stock pool and fields will hit the cache and be processed faster even the requested time period changes.

>> from import D
>> from import NameDFilter, ExpressionDFilter
>> nameDFilter = NameDFilter(name_rule_re='SH[0-9]{4}55')
>> expressionDFilter = ExpressionDFilter(rule_expression='$close>Ref($close,1)')
>> instruments = D.instruments(market='csi300', filter_pipe=[nameDFilter, expressionDFilter])
>> fields = ['$close', '$volume', 'Ref($close, 1)', 'Mean($close, 3)', '$high-$low']
>> D.features(instruments, fields, start_time='2010-01-01', end_time='2017-12-31', freq='day').head()

                              $close        $volume  Ref($close, 1)  Mean($close, 3)  $high-$low
   instrument  datetime
   SH600655    2010-01-04  2699.567383  158193.328125     2619.070312      2626.097738  124.580566
               2010-01-08  2612.359619   77501.406250     2584.567627      2623.220133   83.373047
               2010-01-11  2712.982422  160852.390625     2612.359619      2636.636556  146.621582
               2010-01-12  2788.688232  164587.937500     2712.982422      2704.676758  128.413818
               2010-01-13  2790.604004  145460.453125     2788.688232      2764.091553  128.413818

For more details about features, please refer Feature API.


When calling D.features() at the client, use parameter disk_cache=0 to skip dataset cache, use disk_cache=1 to generate and use dataset cache. In addition, when calling at the server, users can use disk_cache=2 to update the dataset cache.


To know more about how to use the Data, go to API Reference: Data API