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Qlib Recorder: Experiment Management

.. currentmodule:: qlib


Qlib contains an experiment management system named QlibRecorder, which is designed to help users handle experiment and analyse results in an efficient way.

There are three components of the system:

  • ExperimentManager
    a class that manages experiments.
  • Experiment
    a class of experiment, and each instance of it is responsible for a single experiment.
  • Recorder
    a class of recorder, and each instance of it is responsible for a single run.

Here is a general view of the structure of the system:

    - Experiment 1
        - Recorder 1
        - Recorder 2
        - ...
    - Experiment 2
        - Recorder 1
        - Recorder 2
        - ...
    - ...

This experiment management system defines a set of interface and provided a concrete implementation MLflowExpManager, which is based on the machine learning platform: MLFlow (link).

If users set the implementation of ExpManager to be MLflowExpManager, they can use the command mlflow ui to visualize and check the experiment results. For more information, please refer to the related documents here.

Qlib Recorder

QlibRecorder provides a high level API for users to use the experiment management system. The interfaces are wrapped in the variable R in Qlib, and users can directly use R to interact with the system. The following command shows how to import R in Python:

from qlib.workflow import R

QlibRecorder includes several common API for managing experiments and recorders within a workflow. For more available APIs, please refer to the following section about Experiment Manager, Experiment and Recorder.

Here are the available interfaces of QlibRecorder:

.. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.__init__.QlibRecorder

Experiment Manager

The ExpManager module in Qlib is responsible for managing different experiments. Most of the APIs of ExpManager are similar to QlibRecorder, and the most important API will be the get_exp method. User can directly refer to the documents above for some detailed information about how to use the get_exp method.

.. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.expm.ExpManager
    :members: get_exp, list_experiments

For other interfaces such as create_exp, delete_exp, please refer to Experiment Manager API.


The Experiment class is solely responsible for a single experiment, and it will handle any operations that are related to an experiment. Basic methods such as start, end an experiment are included. Besides, methods related to recorders are also available: such methods include get_recorder and list_recorders.

.. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.exp.Experiment
    :members: get_recorder, list_recorders

For other interfaces such as search_records, delete_recorder, please refer to Experiment API.

Qlib also provides a default Experiment, which will be created and used under certain situations when users use the APIs such as log_metrics or get_exp. If the default Experiment is used, there will be related logged information when running Qlib. Users are able to change the name of the default Experiment in the config file of Qlib or during Qlib's initialization, which is set to be 'Experiment'.


The Recorder class is responsible for a single recorder. It will handle some detailed operations such as log_metrics, log_params of a single run. It is designed to help user to easily track results and things being generated during a run.

Here are some important APIs that are not included in the QlibRecorder:

.. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.recorder.Recorder
    :members: list_artifacts, list_metrics, list_params, list_tags

For other interfaces such as save_objects, load_object, please refer to Recorder API.

Record Template

The RecordTemp class is a class that enables generate experiment results such as IC and backtest in a certain format. We have provided three different Record Template class:

  • SignalRecord: This class generates the prediction results of the model.
  • SigAnaRecord: This class generates the IC, ICIR, Rank IC and Rank ICIR of the model.

Here is a simple example of what is done in SigAnaRecord, which users can refer to if they want to calculate IC, Rank IC, Long-Short Return with their own prediction and label.

from qlib.contrib.eva.alpha import calc_ic, calc_long_short_return

ic, ric = calc_ic(pred.iloc[:, 0], label.iloc[:, 0])
long_short_r, long_avg_r = calc_long_short_return(pred.iloc[:, 0], label.iloc[:, 0])
  • PortAnaRecord: This class generates the results of backtest. The detailed information about backtest as well as the available strategy, users can refer to Strategy and Backtest.

Here is a simple exampke of what is done in PortAnaRecord, which users can refer to if they want to do backtest based on their own prediction and label.

from qlib.contrib.strategy.strategy import TopkDropoutStrategy
from qlib.contrib.evaluate import (
    backtest as normal_backtest,

# backtest
    "topk": 50,
    "n_drop": 5,
    "limit_threshold": 0.095,
    "account": 100000000,
    "benchmark": BENCHMARK,
    "deal_price": "close",
    "open_cost": 0.0005,
    "close_cost": 0.0015,
    "min_cost": 5,

strategy = TopkDropoutStrategy(**STRATEGY_CONFIG)
report_normal, positions_normal = normal_backtest(pred_score, strategy=strategy, **BACKTEST_CONFIG)

# analysis
analysis = dict()
analysis["excess_return_without_cost"] = risk_analysis(report_normal["return"] - report_normal["bench"])
analysis["excess_return_with_cost"] = risk_analysis(report_normal["return"] - report_normal["bench"] - report_normal["cost"])
analysis_df = pd.concat(analysis)  # type: pd.DataFrame

For more information about the APIs, please refer to Record Template API.