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Formal Verification for Q#

This repository contains Q* (pronounced Q-star), a tool for formally verifying quantum programs written in Q#. It is implemented as a library for F* and is currently in the prototype stage of development. Its goal is to allow Q# developers to formally reason about their programs, providing stronger correctness guarantees than testing and leading to higher-quality Q# code.

This code in this repository loosely corresponds to the vision outlined in Ch. 5 of Kesha Hietala's dissertation.


  • qstar/examples: Examples and demos of using Q* and the Q#-to-Q* translator.
  • qstar/src: Q* library code, written in F*. See the README in that directory for more information.
  • qstar/translator: Plugin for the Q# compiler to automatically translate Q# programs into Q* instructions.


Install F* and .NET.

If building F* from source, we recommend using the everest script from Project Everest:

./everest check
./everest FStar make


You can convert the Examples.qs file into Q* instruction trees by running dotnet build from the qstar/examples directory. This will produce an F* file in qstar/examples/obj/QStar. A prettified excerpt from the output is in Demo.fst. You should be able to typecheck this file in F* (e.g., by copying it into the qstar/src directory and running make), indicating that our Q# definitions satisfy basic well-formedness properties. Proofs about the semantics of the example programs are in DemoProofs.fst.


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