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API schema reference

Raphael Koh edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

quantum-viz.js takes in as input a JSON object called a Circuit that has the following schema:


A Circuit object represents the circuit to be visualized.

Circuit Properties

Type Description Required
qubits Qubit[] List of qubit registers. ✓ Yes
operations Operation[] Ordered sequence of operations. ✓ Yes


Represents a unique qubit resource.

Qubit Properties

Type Description Required
id integer Qubit ID. ✓ Yes
numChildren integer Number of classical registers attached to quantum register. No, default: 0

Unique ID associated with the quantum register. This qubit ID is used by the circuit to specify which qubit an Operation is acting on.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: ✓ Yes


The number of classical registers associated with this quantum registers. This corresponds to the number of measurements being performed on the register. Operations using the classical output of measurements will reference these classical registers by the zero-indexed ID.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: No, default: 0


Represents a quantum operation.

Operation Properties

Type Description Required
gate string Label of gate. ✓ Yes
displayArgs string Gate arguments to be displayed. No
children Operation[] Nested operations. No, default: []
isMeasurement boolean Whether gate is a measurement operation. No, default: false
isConditional boolean Whether gate is a conditional operation. No, default: false
isControlled boolean Whether gate is a controlled operation. No, default: false
isAdjoint boolean Whether gate is an adjoint operation. No, default: false
controls Register[] List of control registers. No, default: []
targets Register[] List of target registers. ✓ Yes
conditionalRender ConditionalRender Specify when to render operation. No, default: ConditionalRender.Always
dataAttributes DataAttributes Custom HTML data attributes for gate. No


Name of gate to be displayed when rendered. For example, the gate label for the X rotation gate is "RX".

  • Type: string
  • Required: ✓ Yes


An optional string of arguments to be displayed together with the gate label. For example, the X rotation gate comes with a rotation angle such as "0.5". This would be displayed as RX(0.5). If displayArgs is not provided, then no arguments are displayed. For example, the Hadamard gate has no arguments, so it would be displayed as H.

  • Type: string
  • Required: No


List of nested Operations within this operation. Each Operation can be made out of many nested operations. For example, we can define an Entangle operation that is made out of a H and CNOT gate.

  • Type: Operation[]
  • Required: No, default: []


Specifies a measurement gate. If specified, all other Operation attributes are ignored, except:

  1. controls: controls[0] is used as the quantum register to be measured
  2. targets: targets[0] is used as the classical register containing the measurement outcome
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No, default: false


Specifies a classically-controlled operation that depends on a measurement result (i.e. classical register) and applies a different series of gates depending on the measurement outcome. If specified, all other Operation attributes are ignored, except:

  1. controls: controls[0] is used as the classical register containing the measurement outcome
  2. children: ordered sequence of operations to be conditionally rendered depending on the measurement outcome.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No, default: false


    gate: 'Conditional',
    isConditional: true,
    controls: [{ type: 1, qId: 0, cId: 0 }],
    targets: [],
    children: [
            gate: 'H',
            targets: [{ qId: 1 }],
            conditionalRender: 1,
            gate: 'X',
            isControlled: true,
            controls: [{ qId: 0 }],
            targets: [{ qId: 1 }],
            conditionalRender: 2,

In this example, we have a classically-controlled operation called Conditional that depends on the measurement outcome of the classical register with cId 0 attached to qubit 0. If the outcome is 0, an H gate is applied on qubit 1. If the outcome is 1, a CNOT gate is applied on qubits 0 and 1.


Specifies an adjoint operation.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No, default: false


List of control registers that the operation acts on.

  • Type: Register[]
  • Required: No, default: []


List of target registers that the operation acts on.

  • Type: Register[]
  • Required: ✓ Yes


Specifies the conditions on when to render the operation. Refer to ConditionalRender for more info.

  • Type: ConditionalRender
  • Required: No, default: ConditionalRender.Always


Specifies custom data attributes to be attached to the HTML element created from this operation. This is mainly used for implementing interactive elements. Refer to DataAttributes for more info.

  • Type: DataAttributes
  • Required: No


Represents a quantum or classical resource.

Register Properties

Type Description Required
type RegisterType Type of register. No, default: RegisterType.Qubit
qId integer ID of quantum register. ✓ Yes
cId integer ID of classical register. No (needed if classical)


The type of register.

  • Type: RegisterType
  • Required: No, default: RegisterType.Qubit


ID of quantum register.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: ✓ Yes


ID of classical register. This is only needed if type is RegisterType.Classical.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: No (needed if classical)


Represents the type of the register. Has 2 possible values:

  1. RegisterType.Qubit or 0: quantum register
  2. RegisterType.Classical or 1: classical register


Represents the conditions under which to render a given operation. Mainly used for interactive elements, such as classically-controlled operations. Has 4 possible values:

  1. ConditionalRender.Always or 0: always rendered (default)
  2. ConditionalRender.OnZero or 1: only rendered if the outcome of a measurement is 0
  3. ConditionalRender.OnOne or 2: only rendered if the outcome of a measurement is 1
  4. ConditionalRender.AsGroup or 3: contains a group of nested operations and renders its immediate children operation a group with a dashed box around it: ConditionalRender.AsGroup


A map of data attributes from the attribute name to its value (e.g. data-{attr}="{val}"):

export interface DataAttributes {
    [attr: string]: string;