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Adding source code for xsd.exe
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dotnet-bot authored and HongGit committed Nov 17, 2020
1 parent f461f19 commit b80fa34
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,690 additions and 0 deletions.
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions xsd/XsdRes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Help screen messages
Logo=Microsoft (R) Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility
HelpDescription=\r\n{0} -\r\n Utility to generate schema or class files from given source.
HelpUsage=\r\n{0} <schema>.xsd /classes|dataset [/e:] [/l:] [/n:] [/o:] [/s] [/uri:]\r\n{0} <assembly>.dll|.exe [/outputdir:] [/type: [...]]\r\n{0} <instance>.xml [/outputdir:]\r\n{0} <schema>.xdr [/outputdir:]
HelpOptions=\r\n - OPTIONS -
HelpClasses=\r\n{0}\r\n Generate classes for this schema. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpDataset=\r\n{0}\r\n Generate sub-classed DataSet for this schema. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpElement=\r\n{0}<element>\r\n Element from schema to process. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpFields=\r\n{0}\r\n Generate fields instead of properties. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpOrder=\r\n{0}\r\n Generate explicit order identifiers on all particle members.
HelpEnableDataBinding=\r\n{0}\r\n Implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface on all generated types\r\n to enable data binding. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpEnableLinqDataSet=\r\n{0}\r\n Generate LINQ-enabled sub-classed Dataset for the schemas provided. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpLanguage=\r\n{0}<language>\r\n The language to use for the generated code. Choose from 'CS', 'VB', 'JS',\r\n 'VJS', 'CPP' or provide a fully-qualified name for a class implementing\r\n System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider. The default language\r\n is 'CS' (CSharp). Short form is '{1}'.
HelpNamespace=\r\n{0}<namespace>\r\n The namespace for generated class files. The default namespace\r\n is the global namespace. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpNoLogo=\r\n{0}\r\n Suppresses the banner.
HelpOut=\r\n{0}<directoryName>\r\n The output directory to create files in. The default\r\n is the current directory. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpType=\r\n{0}<type>\r\n Type from assembly to generate schema for. Multiple types may be provided.\r\n If no types are provided, then schemas for all types in an assembly\r\n are generated. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpUri=\r\n{0}<uri>\r\n Uri of elements from schema to process. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpAdvanced=\r\n - ADVANCED -
HelpParameters=\r\n{0}<file>\r\n Read command-line options from the specified xml file. Short form is '{1}'.
HelpArguments=\r\n - ARGUMENTS -
HelpArgumentsDescription=<schema>.xsd Name of a schema containing elements to import.\r\n<assembly>.dll|exe Name of an assembly containing types to generate schema for.\r\n<instance>.xml Name of an xml file to infer xsd schema from.\r\n<schema>.xdr Name of an xdr schema to convert to xsd.\r\nMultiple file arguments of the same type may be provided.
MoreHelp=\r\nIf you would like more help, please type "xsd {0}".

# Errors and Warnings
ErrInvalidArgument=invalid command line argument: '{0}'.
ErrLanguage=Value '{0}' for switch /language is invalid. There is no codedom provider defined for the language.
ErrCodeDomProvider=Type '{0}' is not a codedom provider.
ErrLoadAssembly=Unable to load assembly: '{0}'.
ErrUnknownNodeType=Unknown node type.
ErrInputFileTypes=Cannot have more than one type of file as input.
ErrClassOrDataset=Can only generate one of classes or datasets.
ErrGeneral=There was an error processing '{0}'.
ErrGenerateDataSetClass=Error generating code for DataSet '{0}'.
ErrGenerateClassesForSchema=Error generating classes for schema '{0}'.
Warning=Warning: {0}
UnhandledNode=in XML document ({0},{1}): element '{2}' was not recognized and will be ignored.
FileNotFound=Could not find file "{0}".
SchemaValidationWarning=Warning: Schema could not be validated. Class generation may fail or may produce incorrect results.
SchemaValidationWarningDetails=Schema validation warning: {0}
SchemaValidationWarningDetailsSource=Schema validation warning: {0} Line {1}, position {2}.
NoClassesGenerated=Warning: cannot generate classes because no top-level elements with complex type were found.
NoTypesGenerated=Warning: cannot generate schemas because no suitable types were found.
SchemaValidationError=Schema {0} could not be validated.
XsdParametersValidationError=Xsd parameters instance has invalid format, it does not conform to schema with targetNamespace='{0}': {1}
ErrorPosition=Line {0}, position {1}.
MultipleFilesFoundMatchingInclude4=Multiple files were found matching <include> with schemaLocation '{0}' in schema at '{1}'. <include> resolved to schema at '{2}'. Please rename this file or move to a different location to resolve <include> to schema at '{3}'.

# Information Messages, misc const strings
InfoWrittingFile=Writing file '{0}'.
InfoVersionComment=This source code was auto-generated by {0}, Version={1}.

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