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RoosterJs 8 core

Jiuqing Song edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 1 revision

Changes in roosterjs-editor-core package in RoosterJs 8.0.0

Removed interfaces/types

CustomDataMap type

(Removed from 8.0.0)

AttachDomEvent type

(Removed from 8.0.0)

EditWithUndo type

(Removed from 8.0.0)

GetCustomData type

(Removed from 8.0.0)

UndoService interface

(Removed from 8.0.0)

Select type

(Removed from 8.0.0)


(Removed from 8.0.0)

The class still exists but it was made to be private.


(Removed from 8.0.0)

The class still exists but it was made to be private.


(Removed from 8.0.0)

The class was renamed to TypeAfterLink and was made to be private.


(Removed from 8.0.0)

The functionality was integrated into a new private class CopyPastePlugin.


(Removed from 8.0.0)

The functionality was integrated into a new private class CopyPastePlugin.

cacheGetContentSearcher function

(Removed from 8.0.0)

Use IEditor.getContentSearcherOfCursor() instead.

clearContentSearcherCache function

(Removed from 8.0.0)

Use clearEventDataCache instread.

cacheGetElementAtCursor function

(Removed from 8.0.0)

Use IEditor.getElementAtCursor() instead.

Interfaces/Types moved to other packages

ContentEditFeature interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

GenericContentEditFeature interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

Keys enum

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

CustomData enum

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

EditorCore interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

CorePlugins interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

CoreApiMap interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

CreatePasteFragment type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

Focus type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

GetSelectionRange type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

GetStyleBasedFormatState type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

HasFocus type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

InsertNode type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

SelectRange type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

TriggerEvent type

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

EditorOptions interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

EditorPlugin interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

UndoSnapshotService interface

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-types package)

cacheGetEventData function

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-dom package)

clearEventDataCache function

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-dom package)

isModifierKey function

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-dom package)

isCharacterValue function

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-dom package)

isCtrlOrMetaPressed function

(Moved to roosterjs-editor-dom package)

Modified existing types/interfaces/enums

Editor class

RoosterJs core editor class Reference

New base interfaces:

Name Description
Ieditor Interface of roosterjs editor object

New members:

Name Description
getUndoState Whether there is an available undo/redo snapshot
getStyleBasedFormatState Get style based format state from current selection, including font name/size and colors
ensureTypeInContainer Ensure user will type into a container element rather than into the editor content DIV directly
isFeatureEnabled Check if the given experimental feature is enabled

Removed members:

Name Description
getInlineElementAtNode No need to have it
getTextContent Use getContent instead
getSelection No need to have it
saveSelectionRange No need to have it
restoreSavedRange No need to have it
getCursorRect Use getPositionRect instead
performAutoComplete Use addUndoSnapshot instead
canUndo Use getUndoState instead
canRedo Use getUndoState instead
getDarkModeOptions No need to have it
useExperimentFeatures Use isFeatureEnabled instead
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