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Task Sequencing Robotics Simulator

The Task Sequencing Robotics Simulator is a Python-based simulator for (1) training robot manipulation tasks using reinforcement learning, and (2) connecting the trained task with other trained or programmed tasks to compose a sequenced execution.

The simulator is designed to work with the Bonsai Azure Service. The simulator is designed to work with different physics/rendering engines as well as different robot configurations.



To run the sample code, you will need to connect the simulator to the Bonsai Azure Service (please copy the content of src/samples/training/ to your Bonsai workspace).

The sample code will train a grasping brain using the PyBullet physics engine and the shadowhand_lite robotics hand. The sample requires downloading the robot hand model from the shadow-robot/sr_common repository (melodic-devel branch). Please use the Dockerfile for simplified setup.

docker image build --tag <bonsai_workspace_name> -f ./docker/Dockerfile_sample .
docker run -e SIM_WORKSPACE=<bonsai_workspace_id> -e SIM_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key> --network host <bonsai_workspace_name>

To train using multiple simulator instances, please upload the built docker image to your Bonsai workspace.

az acr login -n <bonsai_workspace_name>
docker push <bonsai_workspace_name>


Please finish the above Training sample first (including building the docker image) and export a trained grasping brain.

The sample code will simulate a sequenced execution of tasks. Please note that the current sample has some limitations where all task parameters must be defined a priori before execution.

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 <bonsai_workspace_name><bonsai_workspace_id>/<trained_brain_name>:<tag>
docker run -e SIM_WORKSPACE=w -e SIM_ACCESS_KEY=a -e RUNCODE=src/samples/execution/ --network host <bonsai_workspace_name>

A video of the execution is saved under logs/ inside the docker container. (There are ways to run the container such as using tail -f /dev/null which could make accessing the logs easier.)


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A robotics simulator to compose tasks into task-training scenarios and/or executable sequences.



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