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Azure Arc-enabled machines for Visual Studio Code (Preview)

Please note that this extension is in preview, and is very much a work-in-progress with this first release. Please give it a try and file issues in our GitHub repository for any bugs, feature requests and questions!


This Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension provides a seamless experience for managing and working with Azure Arc-enabled machines directly from VS Code.

Azure Arc-enabled machines allows you to manage your Windows and Linux physical servers and virtual machines hosted outside of Azure, on your corporate network, or other cloud provider.


  • View Azure Arc-enabled machines: Easily view all your Azure Arc-enabled machines in the VS Code sidebar.
  • Connect to Azure Arc-enabled machines: Quickly connect to your Azure Arc-enabled machines via SSH without a public IP address.

Getting Started

  1. Install the extension: Download the extension from the VS Code marketplace.
  2. Sign in to Azure: Use the Azure: Sign In command from the command palette (F1 > Azure: Sign In).
  3. Select your subscription: Select the Azure subscription you want to use for your Azure Arc-enabled machines.

SSH Connection Requirements

To connect to your Azure Arc-enabled machines via SSH, you need to have the SSH extension for Azure CLI installed on your machine. Here are the steps to install it:

  1. Install Azure CLI: If you haven't installed Azure CLI, please follow these instructions.

  2. Sign in to Azure CLI: Since Azure CLI is used to generate the SSH connection, run the following command in your terminal to sign in:

    az login

NOTE: For the v0.0.1 release, only remote Linux machines are supported.


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