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Go with VS Code FAQ and Troubleshooting

Ramya Rao edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 26 revisions


Q: I installed the plugin, but none of the features are working. Why?

A: Make sure to install all the dependent Go tools. Run Go: Install/Update Tools. If you want to install only selected tools, then go through the Go tools that this plugin depends on and install the ones you need manually

Q: Why do my imported packages keep disappearing?

A: By default, the plugin formats your code on save. To format, it uses the goreturns tool that removes unused imports. You can add "go.formatTool": "gofmt" to your settings to use the gofmt tool instead which doesn't remove unused imports.

Q: How do I just run my code? Not debug, just run.

A: Use the keybinding Ctrl+F5 or run the command Debug: Start without Debugging.

Behind the scenes, we use go run command which takes a file path. Therefore, If you already have a launch.json file with default configuration, update it to use ${file} instead of ${fileDirname} instead. If you are using your own debug configuration, ensure that the program property needs to point to a file and not directory.

In the absence of a file path in the program property, Start without Debugging falls back to normal debugging

Q: Why is the GOPATH I set in the integrated terminal not being used by the plugin? Why isn't my program getting the environment variables I set in the integrated terminal?

A: The extensions run in a separate process than the terminal or rest of the VS Code window. Therefore, environment variables set specifically in the integrated terminal is not visible to the extensions.

Q: How does the plugin determine the GOPATH to use?

A: See GOPATH in the VS Code Go extension

Q: Auto-completions stopped working. What do I do?

  • If this is for symbols from external packages, then ensure they installed first. You can do this by either running Go: Build Current Package which will install all dependencies or install the dependencies manually yourself using go install.
  • If it still doesnt work, run gocode close or gocode exit in a terminal and try again.
  • If it still doesnt work, run Go: Install/Update Tools, choose gocode to update the tool. Choose gocode-gomod if you are using Go modules
  • If it still doesnt work, run gocode close or gocode exit followed by gocode -s -debug in a terminal and try again. Results from gocode will show up in the terminal. If you see expected results in the terminal, but not in VS Code, log an issue in the vscode-go repo, else log an issue in the gocode repo. If you are using Go modules, log the issue in

Q: Why doesn't formatting doesn't work on file save?

A: Check the console (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Console) for messages like "Formatting took too long" or "Format On Save feature could be aborted". If you find such a message, then chances are formatted was aborted because it took too long and so can affect the save experience. You can control this timeout using the setting editor.formatOnSaveTimeout

Q: My imports have red lines saying "package not found"

A: These are build errors. Go to View -> Output -> Select "Go" from the dropdown on the top right corner of the panel. Here you can see the output of the go build (or go test if the current file is a test file). Copy the go build command along with arguments and try running it in the terminal. If you still see the same errors, then the problem is in your setup of GOPATH. If it runs fine, then log an issue and we can look into it