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Roadmap (draft)

Rome Li edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

Java Langauge Support for VS Code Roadmap

2022 H1 (January - June)

Here's the roadmap for the first half of 2022. We hope the transparency gives you ideas about what to expect. The roadmap is generated by learning from you. We do customer interviews and collect feedback from GitHub, Stackoverflow, Twitter, etc. This is to also open up the forum for you to participate and help curate the plan.

The items listed are some high-level goals we want to pursue. We'll add more details when we know more about the problem. We could also add to or remove it from the list to keep the plan relevant.

Legend of annotations:

Mark Description
bullet work not started
check mark work completed
🏃 on-going work
💪 stretch goal
🔴 missing link