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Working with xterm.js

Bhrigu Kansra edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 37 revisions


Check out the xterm.js contribution documentation for how to work on the project.

Managing issues

Since bugs and/or features manifest themselves in both VS Code and xterm.js, it's a little unclear initially where the issue(s) should be created. After some experimentation I landed on the best way to deal with this is to create the an issue in both the Microsoft/vscode and xtermjs/xterm.js repositories. The reason this is the best workflow is because the changes will then be verified during endgame and it's much easier to compose release notes for the terminal changes.

Syncing with upstream

To sync with upstream run the following:

git clone
cd xterm.js
git checkout vscode-release/1.14 # whatever version
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push

Pulling changes into VS Code

Since xterm.js is on a month release cycle we need to do a little extra work to pull our changes into VS Code quickly in order to get better test coverage from Insiders. Since we're working with git, it's pretty easy to pull in changes that are blocked on PR.

Here's what you need to do to pull your changes that are currently in review into VS Code:

  1. Checkout the release branch in the Microsoft fork of xterm.js and merge your change:
git clone
cd xterm.js
git checkout vscode-release/1.14 # whatever version
git remote add branch_source<yourname>/xterm.js
git fetch branch_source
git merge branch_source/<pr_branch>

You can also use git cherry-pick if that's easier or if the PR's base branch differs with vscode-release/<...>.

Note that there is an individual release branch for each version unlike many other modules we use. This is the case so that there can be a "clean slate" on the following version based off master.


  1. Build the library and make sure tests pass:

    yarn test

    If needed also run yarn start and verify the incoming changes.

  2. Update package.json, the name should be vscode-xterm and the version should be <x>.<y>.0-beta<n>

    "name": "vscode-xterm",
    "version": "3.0.0-beta1",

    Update the version numbers under the following circumstances:

    • x and y: When updating vscode-xterm for a new version of vscode, this should match the upcoming, not yet released, version of xterm.js
    • n: Increment this when x and y don't change.
  3. Commit and push

    git add package.json
    git commit -m "v3.0.0-beta1"
    git push
  4. Publish vscode-xterm to npm:

    npm publish

    If you don't have permissions, ask someone who has published before to add you.

  5. Go to the vscode repo and add the new version:

    rm -rf node_modules/vscode-xterm
    # Windows: rmdir /S node_modules\vscode-xterm 
    yarn add vscode-xterm@3.0.0-beta1
  6. Update vscode-xterm.d.ts if needed by manually copying over from ./typings/xterm.d.ts in the vscode-release/... branch. Note that the bottom of vscode-xterm.d.ts is VS Code customizations that should remain in place.

  7. Build VS Code and verify the changes.

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