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120 lines (109 loc) · 11.6 KB
title description author localization_priority ms.subservice doc_type
androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration resource type
By providing configurations in this profile you can instruct the Nine Work email client on Android Work Profile devices to communicate with an Exchange server and get email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes. Furthermore, you can also specify how much email to sync and how often the device should sync.

androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

By providing configurations in this profile you can instruct the Nine Work email client on Android Work Profile devices to communicate with an Exchange server and get email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes. Furthermore, you can also specify how much email to sync and how often the device should sync.

Inherits from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase


Method Return Type Description
List androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfigurations androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration collection List properties and relationships of the androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration objects.
Get androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration Read properties and relationships of the androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration object.
Create androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration Create a new androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration object.
Delete androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration None Deletes a androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration.
Update androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration Update the properties of a androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration object.


Property Type Description
id String Key of the entity. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was last modified. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
roleScopeTagIds String collection List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
supportsScopeTags Boolean Indicates whether or not the underlying Device Configuration supports the assignment of scope tags. Assigning to the ScopeTags property is not allowed when this value is false and entities will not be visible to scoped users. This occurs for Legacy policies created in Silverlight and can be resolved by deleting and recreating the policy in the Azure Portal. This property is read-only. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition The OS edition applicability for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion The OS version applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode The device mode applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was created. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
description String Admin provided description of the Device Configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
displayName String Admin provided name of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
version Int32 Version of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
authenticationMethod easAuthenticationMethod Authentication method for Exchange ActiveSync. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase. Possible values are: usernameAndPassword, certificate, derivedCredential.
durationOfEmailToSync emailSyncDuration Duration of time email should be synced to. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase. Possible values are: userDefined, oneDay, threeDays, oneWeek, twoWeeks, oneMonth, unlimited.
emailAddressSource userEmailSource Email attribute that is picked from AAD and injected into this profile before installing on the device. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase. Possible values are: userPrincipalName, primarySmtpAddress.
hostName String Exchange location (URL) that the mail app connects to. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase
requireSsl Boolean Indicates whether or not to use SSL. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase
usernameSource androidUsernameSource Username attribute that is picked from AAD and injected into this profile before installing on the device. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase. Possible values are: username, userPrincipalName, samAccountName, primarySmtpAddress.
syncCalendar Boolean Toggles syncing the calendar. If set to false the calendar is turned off on the device.
syncContacts Boolean Toggles syncing contacts. If set to false contacts are turned off on the device.
syncTasks Boolean Toggles syncing tasks. If set to false tasks are turned off on the device.


Relationship Type Description
groupAssignments deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment collection The list of group assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
assignments deviceConfigurationAssignment collection The list of assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatuses deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus collection Device configuration installation status by device. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatuses deviceConfigurationUserStatus collection Device configuration installation status by user. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatusOverview deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview Device Configuration devices status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatusOverview deviceConfigurationUserOverview Device Configuration users status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceSettingStateSummaries settingStateDeviceSummary collection Device Configuration Setting State Device Summary Inherited from deviceConfiguration
identityCertificate androidWorkProfileCertificateProfileBase Identity certificate. Inherited from androidWorkProfileEasEmailProfileBase

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.androidWorkProfileNineWorkEasConfiguration",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "roleScopeTagIds": [
  "supportsScopeTags": true,
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition",
    "osEditionTypes": [
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion",
    "minOSVersion": "String",
    "maxOSVersion": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode",
    "deviceMode": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "version": 1024,
  "authenticationMethod": "String",
  "durationOfEmailToSync": "String",
  "emailAddressSource": "String",
  "hostName": "String",
  "requireSsl": true,
  "usernameSource": "String",
  "syncCalendar": true,
  "syncContacts": true,
  "syncTasks": true