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88 lines (79 loc) · 5.15 KB
title description author localization_priority ms.subservice doc_type
comanagementEligibleDevice resource type
Device Co-Management eligibility state

comanagementEligibleDevice resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Device Co-Management eligibility state


Method Return Type Description
List comanagementEligibleDevices comanagementEligibleDevice collection List properties and relationships of the comanagementEligibleDevice objects.
Get comanagementEligibleDevice comanagementEligibleDevice Read properties and relationships of the comanagementEligibleDevice object.
Create comanagementEligibleDevice comanagementEligibleDevice Create a new comanagementEligibleDevice object.
Delete comanagementEligibleDevice None Deletes a comanagementEligibleDevice.
Update comanagementEligibleDevice comanagementEligibleDevice Update the properties of a comanagementEligibleDevice object.


Property Type Description
id String Unique Id for the device
deviceName String DeviceName
deviceType deviceType DeviceType. Possible values are: desktop, windowsRT, winMO6, nokia, windowsPhone, mac, winCE, winEmbedded, iPhone, iPad, iPod, android, iSocConsumer, unix, macMDM, holoLens, surfaceHub, androidForWork, androidEnterprise, windows10x, androidnGMS, chromeOS, linux, blackberry, palm, unknown, cloudPC.
clientRegistrationStatus deviceRegistrationState ClientRegistrationStatus. Possible values are: notRegistered, registered, revoked, keyConflict, approvalPending, certificateReset, notRegisteredPendingEnrollment, unknown.
ownerType ownerType OwnerType. Possible values are: unknown, company, personal.
managementAgents managementAgentType ManagementAgents. Possible values are: eas, mdm, easMdm, intuneClient, easIntuneClient, configurationManagerClient, configurationManagerClientMdm, configurationManagerClientMdmEas, unknown, jamf, googleCloudDevicePolicyController, microsoft365ManagedMdm, msSense, intuneAosp, google, unknownFutureValue.
managementState managementState ManagementState. Possible values are: managed, retirePending, retireFailed, wipePending, wipeFailed, unhealthy, deletePending, retireIssued, wipeIssued, wipeCanceled, retireCanceled, discovered.
referenceId String ReferenceId
mdmStatus String MDMStatus
osVersion String OSVersion
serialNumber String SerialNumber
manufacturer String Manufacturer
model String Model
osDescription String OSDescription
entitySource Int32 EntitySource
userId String UserId
upn String UPN
userEmail String UserEmail
userName String UserName
status comanagementEligibleType ComanagementEligibleStatus. Possible values are: comanaged, eligible, eligibleButNotAzureAdJoined, needsOsUpdate, ineligible, scheduledForEnrollment, unknownFutureValue.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.comanagementEligibleDevice",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "deviceName": "String",
  "deviceType": "String",
  "clientRegistrationStatus": "String",
  "ownerType": "String",
  "managementAgents": "String",
  "managementState": "String",
  "referenceId": "String",
  "mdmStatus": "String",
  "osVersion": "String",
  "serialNumber": "String",
  "manufacturer": "String",
  "model": "String",
  "osDescription": "String",
  "entitySource": 1024,
  "userId": "String",
  "upn": "String",
  "userEmail": "String",
  "userName": "String",
  "status": "String"