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title description author localization_priority ms.subservice doc_type
securityConfigurationTask resource type
A security configuration task.

securityConfigurationTask resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

A security configuration task.

Inherits from deviceAppManagementTask


Method Return Type Description
List securityConfigurationTasks securityConfigurationTask collection List properties and relationships of the securityConfigurationTask objects.
Get securityConfigurationTask securityConfigurationTask Read properties and relationships of the securityConfigurationTask object.
Create securityConfigurationTask securityConfigurationTask Create a new securityConfigurationTask object.
Delete securityConfigurationTask None Deletes a securityConfigurationTask.
Update securityConfigurationTask securityConfigurationTask Update the properties of a securityConfigurationTask object.


Property Type Description
id String The entity key. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
displayName String The name. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
description String The description. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The created date. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
dueDateTime DateTimeOffset The due date. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
category deviceAppManagementTaskCategory The category. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: unknown, advancedThreatProtection.
priority deviceAppManagementTaskPriority The priority. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: none, high, low.
creator String The email address of the creator. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
creatorNotes String Notes from the creator. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
assignedTo String The name or email of the admin this task is assigned to. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask
status deviceAppManagementTaskStatus The status. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: unknown, pending, active, completed, rejected.
endpointSecurityPolicy endpointSecurityConfigurationType The endpoint security policy type. Possible values are: unknown, antivirus, diskEncryption, firewall, endpointDetectionAndResponse, attackSurfaceReduction, accountProtection.
applicablePlatform endpointSecurityConfigurationApplicablePlatform The applicable platform. Possible values are: unknown, macOS, windows10AndLater, windows10AndWindowsServer.
endpointSecurityPolicyProfile endpointSecurityConfigurationProfileType The endpoint security policy profile. Possible values are: unknown, antivirus, windowsSecurity, bitLocker, fileVault, firewall, firewallRules, endpointDetectionAndResponse, deviceControl, appAndBrowserIsolation, exploitProtection, webProtection, applicationControl, attackSurfaceReductionRules, accountProtection.
insights String Information about the mitigation.
managedDeviceCount Int32 The number of vulnerable devices. Valid values 0 to 65536
intendedSettings keyValuePair collection The intended settings and their values.


Relationship Type Description
managedDevices vulnerableManagedDevice collection The vulnerable managed devices.

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.securityConfigurationTask",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "displayName": "String",
  "description": "String",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "dueDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "category": "String",
  "priority": "String",
  "creator": "String",
  "creatorNotes": "String",
  "assignedTo": "String",
  "status": "String",
  "endpointSecurityPolicy": "String",
  "applicablePlatform": "String",
  "endpointSecurityPolicyProfile": "String",
  "insights": "String",
  "managedDeviceCount": 1024,
  "intendedSettings": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.keyValuePair",
      "name": "String",
      "value": "String"