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Malignancy Classification

Francisco Maria Calisto edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

The Malignancy Classification System takes the image and starts preprocessing it. The primary purpose of pre-processing is to enhance the image data that stifles undesired distortions or improves some important image features for additional processing. The system finds an area of improvement on the image by examining pixel by pixel, knowing the Region of Interest (ROI) to be improved when intensity value matches. A source of a Basic Malignancy Classification Architecture is hereby addressed.

Basic Malignancy Classification Architecture

From the video, we can see that the system shows some ROI samples on the image, surrounding the lesions and, therefore, marking it as an affected area. The image is displayed on computer screens concerning the set of pixels, so if we consider each source of 8-bits, we can understand that this is too much computationally expensive to be displayed on our computer screens. Therefore, during extraction, we identify the parts of the image that are distinct, for example, lines, corners and individual patches that can be used to describe uniquely. Then, we compare these unique features with the previous ones, i.e., the data that was used as training data.

During system training, thousands of images of different kinds and categories are fed into the system. Some of these images are not affected (No Findings) and, therefore, to identify these as a threshold, we point out the subset of images, such that if a system finds an image which surpasses that threshold, we consider the bullets of the image as affected and when it is below the threshold set of bullets the system marks it as not modified. However, if the value matches the threshold set of bullets, the system marks it as an entry bullet.

The system classifies images into multiple classes. During classification, it is essential that the system must contain some predefined patterns of the objects under consideration in the system database, so that, it can compare and test the objects to classify each testing object to its appropriate class (i.e., Malign, Benign or No Findings). Image classification is fundamental, and it’s used in various fields. In this case, it plays a crucial role during pre-processing.

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