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Lucie Contamin edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 39 revisions

MIDAS 2019 Novel Coronavirus Repository

This repository serves as central platoform to share resources relevant for modeling of the 2019-nCoV outbreak. The repository was created by the IDAS Coordination Center (MCC), who will continue to maintain it in collaboration with the broader modeling community. Community members are encouraged to contribute resources to the repository and thus support the overall 2019-nCoV research effort.

All data sources relevant for 2019-nCoV modeling can be uploaded/found here, including case count data and line listings. Data are uploaded by the MCC and by community members. Data can be in many different formats and levels of curation. Sets of related data files are presented as "collections". For example, a collection can be a set of related outbreak situation updates from a country, a set of time-stamped backup files, or another set of related files. Each collection has its own metadata, data guide, and location dictionary that maps geographic locations listed in the collection to international standards.

Parameter estimates

Once CSV file with estimates for epidemiological parameters relevant for nCoV modeling extracted from a variety of sources including preliminary model reports, pre-prints, and peer-reviewed publications. For each parameter, metadata are also extracted. Parameter estimates are extracted by a team of curators from the MIDAS Coordination Center and others, and reviewed by community members (list here) for accuracy. A subset of the CSV file is displayed in a readme file.

Parameter Estimates for SARS

Parameter Estimates for MERS

Parameter Estimates for Seasonal influenza

Source code and/or links to algorithms for data-processing and modeling will be included in this section together with relevant metadata. Links and metadata for visualizations and dashboards related to 2019-nCoV are also listed.

All documents relevant to 2019-nCoV can be posted in this section. Documents are mostly organized by country or by topic. Pre-prints and peer-reviewd manuscripts are posted with links to external webpages while all other documents are stored in this repository and internal links to those documents are listed. Documents include:

  • Reports, inlcuding outbreak situation reports/updates, modeling reports and other "grey literature"
  • Pre-prints and peer-reviewed publications, organized by topic
  • Guidelines by WHO, China, and US CDC related to 2019-nCoV

Anybody can contribute to this repository through pull requests. Community members are encouraged to contribute new data and findings, and help make this repository increasingly complete and useful. This section include detailed instructions for pull requests and templates for metadata, data guides, and other files formats and content standards.

Information for Users

Many people have contributed to the creation of this repository and of its content. Please cite the creators of data or other content listed in the respective metadata, if you use any of their contributions. Also cite this repository as the source for those contributions as per the following suggested citation: "Creators of object, name of object, Retrieved from: MIDAS 2019 Novel Coronavirus Github Repository, URL. Accessed date"

Contact Information

For any questions or comments related to this repository, submit an issue or contact the MIDAS Coordination Center.

MIDAS Coordination Center
University of Pittsburgh
A737 Public Health
130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh PA 15261
United States
Tel: +1 412-624-7693

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