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This library makes it possible to use lifecycle methods on DOM nodes without polling. I built this library to hook into reactive pages that add and remove DOM nodes on user interaction, like SPAs and/or pages that are build with component frameworks.

Use cases

  • Browser automation
  • Browser plugins
  • QA tasks

This library is

  • Not a component library
  • No state handling
  • No virtual DOM


import Domian from 'domian';

// The constructor takes an array of components
const domian = new Domian({
  // the classname of the element that you want to hook into
  name: 'header',
  // the param is the DOM node of the found element
  onMount(element => {})
  onUpdate(element => {})
  onUnMount(element => {})

Or as a UMD in head or the end of body.

<script src=""></script>
// be sure to call this after the body is there
const domian = new Domian(...);


This library relies on Map and MutationObserver. These features are not polyfilled since the library should most likely be used on modern browsers. If you feel the urge to use it on older browsers please polyfill it for yourself.


  • install new rollup plugins (the corresponding ones under @rollup)