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Adam Franco edited this page May 16, 2013 · 1 revision

There are two reports for the Adaptive Quiz:

  • Attempts report
  • Individual user attempts report

To view the Adaptive Quiz reports select the link to the adaptive quiz from the course home page.

Adaptive quiz link

Select the View report button to view the Attempts report.

View report button

The Attempts report has 3 columns, which can all be used to sort the list:

  1. Name: The name links to the user's profile screen.
  2. Number of attempts: The number of attempts the user has are listed here. Selecting this number links to the Individual user attempts report.
  3. Score: This column shows the score and margin of error. The score is a number between the lowest and highest difficulty level of questions allowed for the quiz. This quiz used questions with difficulty levels between 61-110. If multiple attempts have been made by the user, the score of the first attempt will be listed in the Attempts report. Details of all the attempts can be viewed in the Individual user attempts report.

Attempts report

The Individual user attempts report has more detailed information about a user's attempts. The report includes:

  1. State of attempt: For this user both attempts have been completed.
  2. Reason for stopping the attempt: In the first attempt listed the quiz was stopped because the standard error was within the limits imposed by the activity after answering 26 questions. In the second attempt listed the maximum number of questions were answered because the standard error was never within the limits imposed by the activity.
  3. Sum of questions attempted: Amount of questions answered for the attempt.
  4. Score: This column shows the score and margin of error. The score is a number between the lowest and highest difficulty level of questions allowed for the quiz. This quiz used questions with difficulty levels between 61-110.
  5. Attempt start time
  6. Attempt finish time
  7. Review Attempt / Delete Attempt: Select the review attempt link to review the quiz taken by the user, each question and answer. Select the delete attempt link to delete the attempt from the reports.

Individual user attempts report

Selecting the Review Attempt link, shown by (7) in the previous image, displays the following page. Note the tag/difficulty level displayed below each question.

Review attempts screen

There is also information about adaptive quiz attempts in the Recent Activity block.

Recent activity block

Recent activity block