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This repository contains the code for the paper "Multistep Inverse Is Not All You Need," by Alexander Levine, Peter Stone, and Amy Zhang.

Numerical Simulations

The numerical_experiments directory contains code for running the numerical experiments. These are enirely contained in one file,, which will run numerical simulations of AC-State and ACDF on tabular environments and return the success rates of these simulations. Results are both printed and saved to a .pth file. Lines commented out at the end of control which of the four tabular environments in the paper to test, how for how many simulations of that environment to run, and how many transitions to collect; see comments in the file for a full description.

We ran these experiments with python 3.9.6, and the packages pytorch (2.2.1, on CPU) and more_itertools (10.2.0).

Deep RL Experiments

The gridworld_exploration directory contains code for the deep RL experiments in the paper. This code is forked from the code for the paper "Guaranteed Discovery of Control-Endogenous Latent States with Multi-Step Inverse Models," by Lamb et al. (2022), which is available at We provide an annotated diff demonstrating exactly how we modified their code for our experiments. The experiments in our paper can be reproduced using the following lines:

For the "baseline" maze environment, using AC-State:

python3 --data maze  --k_steps ${K}  --ncodes ${NCODES}  --seed ${SEED}  --exo_noise two_maze --num_exo 8 --env_iteration 5000 --policy_selection random --no_reset_actions   --stochastic_start stochastic --ep_length 5000 --model_train_iter 5000 --eval_iter 5000 --num_iter 30000   --log_eval_prefix ./path/to/eval/log --no_restart true --use_best_model 

For the "baseline" maze environment, using ACDF (that is, using a forward model loss):

python3 --data maze  --k_steps ${K}  --ncodes ${NCODES}  --seed ${SEED}  --exo_noise two_maze --num_exo 8 --env_iteration 5000 --policy_selection random --no_reset_actions   --stochastic_start stochastic --ep_length 5000 --model_train_iter 5000 --eval_iter 5000 --num_iter 30000   --log_eval_prefix ./path/to/eval/log --no_restart true --use_best_model --use_forward 

For the "periodic" environment, using AC-State:

python3 --data periodic-cart  --k_steps ${K}  --ncodes ${NCODES}  --seed ${SEED}  --exo_noise two_maze  --num_exo 8 --env_iteration 5000 --policy_selection random --no_reset_actions --stochastic_start stochastic --ep_length 200 --model_train_iter 5000 --eval_iter 5000 --num_iter 30000  --log_eval_prefix ./path/to/eval/log --no_restart false --use_best_model 

For the "periodic" environment, using ACDF:

python3 --data periodic-cart  --k_steps ${K}  --ncodes ${NCODES}  --seed ${SEED}  --exo_noise two_maze  --num_exo 8 --env_iteration 5000 --policy_selection random --no_reset_actions --stochastic_start stochastic --ep_length 200 --model_train_iter 5000 --eval_iter 5000 --num_iter 30000  --log_eval_prefix ./path/to/eval/log --no_restart false --use_best_model --use_forward

In addition to printing the success rate of open-loop planning trials, these commands will also save this information in files specified by the --log_eval_prefix option, with filenames in the format ${PATH_PREFIX}_it_${ENV_ITERATION}_train_it_${TRAINING_ITERATION}_seed_${SEED}.pth. This .pth file will contain a python dictionary where the "wins" key specifies the number of planning trials out of 1000 for which the learned encoder allowed for correct open-loop planning.

The environment.yaml file can be used for setting up a conda environment with the appropriate dependencies.


Code for the paper "Multistep Inverse Is Not All You Need" by Alexander Levine, Peter Stone, and Amy Zhang.






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