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Generate integration test cases.


go install


  1. Prepare YAML file which defines test factors
  2. Run gentestcase run
  3. A CSV file is generated
  gentestcase run [flags]

  -h, --help            help for run
  -i, --input string    input YAML filename (default "cases.yml")
  -o, --output string   output CSV filename (default "data.csv")
  -w, --watch           watch input file change

Test case definition YAML specification

You can generate JSON schema with the following command to validate your YAML files.

gentestcase schema

You can refer to examples directory as input YAML files and its outputs.


factors is a required top-level property.

Values of factors are key-value pairs that represents each individual factor. A pair has a key that represents an factor unique identifier, and a value that contains name and levels properties.

name represents the outputted name of the factor.

levels is a key-value pair with an level unique identifier as its key, and an outputted name of the level as its value.

Below is an example of factors definition.

    name: Factor 1
      level_a: Level A
      level_b: Level B
    name: Factor 2
      level_a: Level A
      level_b: Level B


conditions is an optional top-level property. It defines condition variables which can be used in other values in conditions or constraints.

Values of conditions are key-value pairs that represents each condition. A pair has a key that represents a condition unique identifier, and a value that represents a condition statement.

Below is the EBNF of condition statement syntax.

syntax ::= exp | groups
groups ::= group (' ' operator ' ' group)* | groups (' ' operator ' ' groups)*
group ::= '(' exp ')' | '!(' exp ')' | value_bool
exp ::= value_bool (' ' operator ' ' value_bool)+
operator ::= '&&' | '||'
value_bool ::= value | '!' value
value ::= factor '.' level | '$' condition_ref
factor ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+
level ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+
condition_ref ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+

Below is an example of conditions definition.

  is_hot: 'temprature.30_35 || temprature.35_above'
  is_cold: 'temprature.0_below || temprature.0_5'
  is_nice_day: '!$is_hot && !$is_cold && weather.sunny'


constraints is an optional top-level property. It defines constraints between factor levels. A value of constraints is a list with each constraint.

A constraint has if, only_if (either required), then (required) and else (optional) properties. Specifying both if and only_if causes an error. Each of those properties has a value of condition statement.

When if is specified, only a combination that satisfies then condition is preserved if if condition is evaluated to true. Thus, combinations that satisfy if condition but do not satisfy then condition are omitted from the result output.

When else is specified with if, only a combination that satisfies else condition is preserved if if condition is evaluated to false. Thus, combinations that don't satisfy both of if condition and else condition are omitted from the result output.

When only_if is specified, a combination that satisfies then condition is preserved only if only_if condition is evaluated to true. Thus, when only_if is evaluated to false, combinations that satisfy then condition are omitted from the result output.

When else is specified with only_if, a combination that satisfies else condition is preserved only if only_if condition is evaluated to false. Thus, when only_if is evaluated to true, combinations that satisfy else condition are omitted from the result output.

The following two constraints are equivalent.

- if: A
  then: B
# A => B
- only_if: B
  then: A
# not B => not A

Below is an example of constraints definition.

  - if: '$is_cold'
    then: 'action.wear_coat'
  - only_if: 'weather.rainy || ($is_hot && weather.sunny)'
    then: 'action.open_umbrella'
  - only_if: 'weather.sunny'
    then: 'action.play_tennis'
    else: 'action.read_books'