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Docker Container Architecture

Miere Teixeira edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 1 revision

Malka is containerised and publicly available for download as a Docker image. You can use this image to deploy it on your favourite container orchestration platform (e.g. ECS, BeanStalk, K8s, etc). The container is based on Alpine and the only added layer is the rust application targeting libmusl, producing a very small image.

Expected environment variables

Environment Variable Description
KAFKA_BROKERS A string containing a comma-separated list of Kafka broker URLs

Expected entry point values

The image was configured to use the generated rust application as a Docker entry point. It expects the first parameter to be the configuration file containing the consumer definition.

Below there's a Dockerfile example that makes use of the malka-consumer image and demonstrates how to import the consumer configuration.

FROM miere/malka-consumer
ADD configuration.json /etc/malka.conf
CMD ["/etc/malka.conf"]