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Mickael Riga committed Oct 31, 2011
1 parent ecddd8a commit 48801e0
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Showing 3 changed files with 441 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec.rb
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@

require 'rubygems'
require 'bacon'

require 'sequel'
DB = Sequel.sqlite
Expand Down
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions spec_stash_magic_s3.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
F = ::File
D = ::Dir

require 'rubygems'
require 'bacon'

require 'sequel'
DB = Sequel.sqlite

require 'tempfile'

require F.dirname(__FILE__)+'/stash_magic_s3'

class Treasure < ::Sequel::Model
BUCKET = 'campbellhay-stashmagictest'

plugin :schema
set_schema do
primary_key :id
Integer :age
String :map # jpeg
String :map_tooltip
String :map_alternative_text
String :mappy # jpeg - Used to see if mappy files are not destroyed when map is (because it starts the same)
String :instructions #pdf
create_table unless table_exists?

stash :map
stash :mappy
stash :instructions

def validate
errors[:age] << "Not old enough" unless (self.age.nil? || self.age>10)
errors[:instructions] << "Too big" if (!self.instructions.nil? && self.instructions[:size].to_i>46000)

class BadTreasure < ::Sequel::Model
include ::StashMagicS3

plugin :schema
set_schema do
primary_key :id
String :map # jpeg
String :instructions #pdf
create_table unless table_exists?

# Make temporary public folder
#D.mkdir(Treasure::PUBLIC) unless F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC)

# =========
# = Tests =
# =========

describe ::StashMagicS3 do

# `convert rose: #{Treasure::PUBLIC}/rose.jpg` unless F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/rose.jpg') # Use ImageMagick to build a tmp image to use
# `convert granite: #{Treasure::PUBLIC}/granite.gif` unless F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/granite.gif') # Use ImageMagick to build a tmp image to use
# `convert rose: #{Treasure::PUBLIC}/rose.pdf` unless F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/rose.pdf') # Use ImageMagick to build a tmp image to use
# `convert logo: #{Treasure::PUBLIC}/logo.pdf` unless F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/logo.pdf')
# def mock_upload(uploaded_file_path, content_type, binary=false)
# n = F.basename(uploaded_file_path)
# f =
# f.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if f.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
# f.binmode if binary
# ::FileUtils.copy_file(uploaded_file_path, f.path)
# {
# :filename => n,
# :type => content_type,
# :tempfile => f
# }
# end
# before do
# @img = mock_upload(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/rose.jpg', 'image/jpeg', true)
# @img2 = mock_upload(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/granite.gif', 'image/gif', true)
# @pdf = mock_upload(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/rose.pdf', 'application/pdf', true)
# @pdf2 = mock_upload(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/logo.pdf', 'application/pdf', true)
# end

it 'Should Include via Stash::with_bucket' do

# it 'Should create stash and model folder when included' do
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure').should==true
# end
it "Should stash entries with Class::stash and have reflection" do
# it "Should give instance its own file_path" do
# # Normal path
# @t = Treasure.create
# @t.file_path.should=="/stash/Treasure/#{}"
# # Anonymous path
# # Normal path full
# @t = Treasure.create
# @t.file_path(true).should==Treasure::PUBLIC+"/stash/Treasure/#{}"
# # Anonymous path full
# end
# it "Should always raise on file_path if public_root is not declared" do
# lambda { }.should.raise(RuntimeError).message.should=='BadTreasure.public_root is not declared'
# end
# it "Should not raise on setters eval when value already nil" do
# end
# it "Should have correct file_url values" do
# # Original with no file - so we are not sure about extention
# # Original with file but not saved
# # Style with file but not saved
#>@img).file_url(:map, 'thumb.jpg').should=='/stash/Treasure/tmp/map.thumb.jpg' #not the right extention
# end
# it "Should save the attachments when creating entry" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img, :instructions => @pdf)
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.jpg').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.stash_thumb.gif').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.stash_thumb.gif').should==false
# end
# it "Should update attachment when updating entry" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img).update(:map=>@img2)
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.gif').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.stash_thumb.gif').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.jpg').should==false
# end
# it "Should destroy its folder when destroying entry" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img)
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/'
# @t.destroy
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/'
# end
# it "Should be able to remove attachments when column is set to nil" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img, :mappy => @img2)
# @t.mappy.should=={:name=>'mappy.gif',:type=>'image/gif',:size=>7037}
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.jpg').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/mappy.gif').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.stash_thumb.gif').should==true
# @t.update(:map=>nil)
# @t.mappy.should=={:name=>'mappy.gif',:type=>'image/gif',:size=>7037}
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.jpg').should==false
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/mappy.gif').should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/map.stash_thumb.gif').should==false
# end
# it "Should be able to build image tags" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img, :map_alternative_text => "Wonderful")
# tag = @t.build_image_tag(:map)
# tag.should.match(/^<img\s.+\s\/>$/)
# tag.should.match(/\ssrc="\/stash\/Treasure\/#{}\/map.jpg"\s/)
# tag.should.match(/\salt="Wonderful"\s/)
# tag.should.match(/\stitle=""\s/)
# end
# it "Should be able to build image tags and override alt and title" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map => @img, :map_alternative_text => "Wonderful")
# tag = @t.build_image_tag(:map,nil,:alt => 'Amazing & Beautiful Map')
# tag.should.match(/^<img\s.+\s\/>$/)
# tag.should.match(/\ssrc="\/stash\/Treasure\/#{}\/map.jpg"\s/)
# tag.should.match(/\salt="Amazing &amp; Beautiful Map"\s/)
# tag.should.match(/\stitle=""\s/)
# end
# it "Should be able to handle validations" do
# @t = => @pdf2)
# @t.valid?.should==false
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==false
# @t.set(:instructions => @pdf, :age => 8)
# @t.valid?.should==false
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==false
# @t.set(:age => 12)
# @t.valid?.should==true
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==true
# end
# it "Should not raise when updating the entry with blank string - which means the attachment is untouched" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:instructions => @pdf)
# before = @t.instructions
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==true
# @t.update(:instructions=>"")
# @t.instructions.should==before
# F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC+'/stash/Treasure/''/instructions.pdf').should==true
# end
# it "Should not raise when the setter tries to destroy files when there is nothing to destroy" do
# lambda { @t = Treasure.create(:instructions=>nil) }.should.not.raise
# lambda { @t.update(:instructions=>nil) }.should.not.raise
# end
# it "Should have ImageMagick string builder" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map=>@img)
# @t.image_magick(:map, 'test.gif') do
# im_write("-negate")
# im_crop(200,100,20,10)
# im_resize(nil, 100)
# end.should=="-negate -crop 200x100+20+10 +repage -resize 'x100'"
# F.exists?(@t.file_url(:map,'test.gif',true)).should==true
# @t.image_magick(:map, 'test2.gif') do
# im_write("-negate")
# im_crop(200,100,20,10)
# im_resize(nil, 100, '>')
# end.should=="-negate -crop 200x100+20+10 +repage -resize 'x100>'"
# F.exists?(@t.file_url(:map,'test2.gif',true)).should==true
# @t.image_magick(:map, 'test3.gif') do
# im_write("-negate")
# im_crop(200,100,20,10)
# im_resize(200, 100, '^')
# end.should=="-negate -crop 200x100+20+10 +repage -resize '200x100^' -gravity center -extent 200x100"
# F.exists?(@t.file_url(:map,'test3.gif',true)).should==true
# @t.image_magick(:map, 'test4.gif') do
# im_write("-negate")
# im_crop(200,100,20,10)
# im_resize(200, 100, '^', 'North')
# end.should=="-negate -crop 200x100+20+10 +repage -resize '200x100^' -gravity North -extent 200x100"
# F.exists?(@t.file_url(:map,'test4.gif',true)).should==true
# end
# it "Should be possible to overwrite the original image" do
# @t = Treasure.create(:map=>@img)
# url = @t.file_url(:map,nil,true)
# size_before = F.size(url)
# @t.convert(:map, '-resize 100x75')
# F.size(url).should.not==size_before
# end
# ::FileUtils.rm_rf(Treasure::PUBLIC) if F.exists?(Treasure::PUBLIC)


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