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Secret Field

This project showcases an example of how to build a Reusable Secret Field Component using Kony Visualizer.

Use Cases

Add it to a login form, forms requesting secret PIN's, secret values from coordinate cards or tokeniser devices, or use it in transaction authorisation scenarios —i.e.: where the user receives an authorisation code via SMS, Push Notification or e-mail which they then have to type into the application.

Secret Field

Implementation Details

Visualizer Version

This project was built using Kony Visualizer Quantum 8.4.22.

Look & Feel Customisations

This component exposes several skin properties for you to customise its look & feel. If you believe any properties are missing, please open an issue here and I'll consider exposing it. Forks and pull requests are also very welcome if you'd like to contribute.

For the icons, this component relies on FontAwesome 4.7 and uses its unicodes as label text —e.g. \uf023 is the closed lock icon. I've exposed these properties so you can change the icon to whatever you like. If you'd like to use another icon font, use the the iconSkin, buttonSkin and buttonFocusSkin properties to pick that as a font, provided you've imported that other icon font into Visualizer.


Naming Conventions

I favour suffixes in lieu of prefixes. All widgets and skins in this component bear names with suffixes indicating what they are —e.g.: iconLabel, showButton.

Skins bear the suffix of the widget type they apply to, followed by the Skin suffix —e.g.: SecretFieldButtonSkin.

In order to make it easier for you to manage project skins, all skins in this component bear a SecretField prefix —e.g.: SecretFieldButtonSkin, SecretFieldIconLabelSkin.

Development Dependencies

This project uses Krōnin's kony.ui.getComponents extension for testing but Krōnin is not a dependency of the com.mig82.SecretField component.

About Authoring Components

This component showcases several standard properties and a custom method called toggle which is meant for external code to be able to switch the visibility of the secret text programmatically.

Fake Custom Property

This project also showcases a fake custom property, which is a way to (ab)use the standard properties of a dummy widget which will never be shown to provide additional configuration parameters for a component. Such is the case of the hideIcon property, which is nothing but the text property of tha hideButton widget which is never made visible.

Curating Components in Isolation

I'm a big proponent of Component-first Applications and curating components in isolation as I explained in this webinar. This Visualizer project is just a wrapper to develop, test, and demo the com.mig82.SecretField component in isolation. The sole purpose of both Form1 (the only form in this project) and its controller is to create and test several instances of the SecretField component in order to showcase how each can have its own configuration.

Secret Field