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Spring Email API (Java/Kotlin)

GitHub last commit Maven Central

It is an API for Java and Kotlin to send emails with Spring. To add to your project...

Add dependency to Maven or Gradle:

For Java:

implementation 'com.github.migangqui:spring-email-api-java:${currentVersion}'

For Kotlin:

implementation 'com.github.migangqui:spring-email-api-kotlin:${currentVersion}'

${currentVersion} is 1.2.0

Add the following properties in application.yml of the project

    default-encoding: UTF-8
    host: # for example:
    username: # Your email
    password: # Your email pass
    port: # SMPT port, for exaple: 25, 587
        transport.protocol: smtp
# Optional properties
#        smtp:
#          ssl:
#            trust: '*'
#          auth: true
#          starttls:
#            enable: true
#            required: true

Enable async

Add @EnableAsync annotation in your Spring Application class to enable async send method.

Component scan

It's not necessary add the package to component scan with this new version.

How to use

You have to inject EmailSender as dependency in your Spring component. The service provide these methods:

public interface EmailSender {
    SendEmailResult send(Email email);
    Future<SendEmailResult> sendAsync(Email email);
interface EmailSender {
    fun send(email: Email): SendEmailResult

    fun sendAsync(email: Email): Future<SendEmailResult>