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PylarOS is a Linux environment built on Arch Linux that comes pre-installed with a variety of development and utility tools. This Docker image is geared towards developers, system administrators, and anyone who needs a flexible, ready-to-go Linux environment.


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PylarOS: A superset of Linux for devs

! Update ! If you want to access via NAS: Call the container thecontainer then: sudo docker exec -it thecontainer /bin/bash, you will access as root, then switch to dev with su dev

Docker | GitHub | Twitter | Support

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PylarOS: A superset of Linux for devs

  >> GitHub:
  >> Docker:
  >> Support:
  >> Twitter: @MiguelGargallo (
Table of features and content PylarOS
rust python node lazygit nvchad postgres
nano vim neovim make gcc wget
curl ufw iptables zip unzip git
neofetch fontconfig zsh pnpm yarn npm


PylarOS is a Linux environment built on Ubuntu 23.10 that comes pre-installed with a variety of development and utility tools. This Docker image is geared towards developers, system administrators, and anyone who needs a flexible, ready-to-go Linux environment.


Use-Case Description Included Packages
Developers Perfect for developers who want a consistent and equipped environment for coding, version control, and package management. neovim, node, pnpm, rust, python, lazygit, nvchad, git
Sysadmins Ideal for sysadmins looking for a containerized solution to perform routine tasks like file operations, network monitoring, and system updates. vim, wget, curl, npm, ufw, zip, unzip, git
General Users Useful for general users who need a Linux environment for various tasks and prefer pre-installed utilities to facilitate their work. nano, wget, curl, zip, unzip
Writters Perfect for writters who want a consistent and equipped environment for writing, version control, and package management. nano, vim, neovim, nvchad, git
Data Scientists Useful for data scientists who need a Linux environment for various tasks and prefer pre-installed utilities to facilitate their work. python, nano, wget, curl, zip, unzip

Support & Issues

New Features Support & Issues Tailored Support
Go ahead Let's see what happens As you wish
If you want to add a new feature, please open an issue and we will it. If you find any issues or would like to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request. If you need premium support, please book a meeting.


All are manually installed and configured

Table of features:

  • Run docker & play. No need to install anything on your machine

  • Arch Linux with ssh access on a Docker container ssh dev@localhost -p 2222

  • NVChad manully setup with The (almost) perfect Neovim setup for Node.js

  • Special Tools: lazygit, nvchad

  • Node Package Manager: npm, pnpm, yarn

  • Text Editors: nano, vim, neovim

  • Development Tools: make, gcc

  • Networking: wget, curl, iptables

  • Utilities: zip, unzip, git, neofetch

  • Fonts and Shell: fontconfig, zsh

  • Databases: Postgres

Table of versions of languages and tools


Language Version Notes
rust 1.73.0 (cc66ad468 2023-10-03)
python 3.11.5


Tool Version Notes
node 20.9.0 LTS
npm 10.2.1
pnpm 8.9.2
yarn 1.22.19
nano 7.2 2023
vim 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Oct 11 2023 19:17:46)
neovim 0.9.4 LuaJIT 2.1.1697887905
lazygit 0.40.2 build date=2023-08-12T17:47:33Z
make 4.4.1
gcc 13.2.1 20230801
wget 1.21.4 built on linux-gnu
curl 8.4.0 2023-10-11
ufw 0.36
iptables 1.8.9 (legacy)


Database Version Notes
postgres 15.4 (PostgreSQL)

There is a Postgres ready, here is the credentials:

User Password Database
postgresql postgresql postgresql

Upcoming Features

Everytime a new update is released, arch linux is updated.

We are working so hard to add the following features:

  • Databases included: MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, SQLite

Quick Start

To pull the Docker image:

docker pull itamaesan/pylaros:latest

To run a container:

docker run -it --rm itamaesan/pylaros:latest /bin/bash

Build Locally

To build the image locally:

docker build -t itamaesan/pylaros:latest .


ssh dev@localhost -p 2222

Use dev user, password is dev.

Support user is hagrid, do not touch it. For support: Support

Security Policy

Final decision, choice of Arch Linux

While selecting a base image for our Docker containers, it is essential to consider not just security vulnerabilities but also performance, flexibility, and a lean environment. In this context, Arch Linux emerges as a superior choice over other Linux distributions. Despite its vulnerability, Arch offers a rolling release system, ensuring that users always have the latest software versions without the need for extensive upgrades. This results in a more streamlined, up-to-date, and performance-optimized system. Moreover, the Arch User Repository (AUR) provides a vast collection of user-submitted packages, further enhancing its adaptability and feature set. While the CVE-2023-29403 exploitability score for Arch might be a concern, it's worth noting that the Arch community is highly active, often leading to rapid patches and updates. This proactive approach, combined with the user-centric philosophy of Arch, ensures a balance between cutting-edge performance and security.


Developed by Miguel Gargallo.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request.


PylarOS is licensed under the PylarAI Creative ML FREE License, which is similar to the MIT license. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute as you see fit.


PylarOS is a Linux environment built on Arch Linux that comes pre-installed with a variety of development and utility tools. This Docker image is geared towards developers, system administrators, and anyone who needs a flexible, ready-to-go Linux environment.




Security policy


