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Harness your Lambdas to API Gateway quickly and easily.

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Harness your Lambdas to API Gateway quickly and easily.

usage: yoke [-h] [-v] [--debug] {deploy,build,decrypt,encrypt} ...

AWS Lambda + API Gateway Deployment Tool

positional arguments:
    deploy              Deploy lambda and (optionally) API Gateway.
    build               Only template config files and build lambda package.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Debug logging

Getting Started

  1. Add a yoke.yml file to the root of the project.

  2. Set the appropriate config values in yoke.yml for you Lambda, API Gateway (optional), and stages.

  3. Test your configuration by running yoke build --stage <stagename>. Given the following example structure there will be some new files generated:

     |-- yoke.yml
     |-- swagger.yml (Templated Swagger file generated by Yoke {build,deploy})
     |-- swagger_template.yml
     |-- myapplication/ (Lambda path defined in yoke.yml)
     |   |-- (Lambda handler defined in yoke.yml)
     |   |-- lambda.json (Lambda function configuration generated by Yoke {build,deploy})
     |   |-- config.json (Config values for your application generated by Yoke {build,deploy})

This will let you verify that the swagger.yml and config.json are templated as desired. 4. Run yoke deploy --stage <stagename> to deploy your Lambda and (optionally) API Gateway.


The heart of Yoke is the yoke.yml file. This file tells Yoke all the necessary information it needs to template and upload your Lambda and API Gateway. The structure of the file is as follows:

  • Lambda: Information about the Lambda function to deploy and how to build it.
    • config: Specific information about the Lambda function's configuration:
      • name: The name of the function.
      • description: Description of the function.
      • handler: The module to handle the Lambda event.
      • timeout: The number of seconds before timing out the function.
      • memory: The amount (in Megabytes) of memory to configure for the function.
      • ignore: A list of regex patterns of files to exclude when building and uploading the function.
      • role: The IAM role to assume when this function is run.
    • path: The path to the root of your Lambda module.
    • extraFiles: A list of additional files or directories to include in the Lambda package when uploading. This is useful for including requirements using pip install -t <requirements_directory> <somepackage>.
  • apiGateway: Optional - information about API Gateway configuration.
    • name: The name of the API Gateway.
    • swaggerTemplate: Path to the Swagger template file.
    • role: The IAM role to assume when API Gateway runs.
    • customAuthorizer: Optional - Custom Authorizer configuration.
      • name: The name of the Custom Authorizer
      • role: The role to assume when running the Custom Authorizer
      • expression: The matching expression used to validate the authorization header before it is passed to the Custom Authorizer.
      • header: The (case-sensitive) name of the header passed to the Custom Authorizer.
      • ttl: The time (in seconds) to cache authorization responses.
  • stages: Application configuration per deployment stage.
    • default: The default stage - the configuration for this stage is applied to any stages not explicitly defined in this section. For example, if you have stages default, dev, and prod, but run yoke deploy --stage awesome, Yoke will use the configuration for the default stage.
      • region: What region to deploy to for this stage.
      • keyName: Optional - KMS key alias used to encrypt and decrypt the secretConfig section for this stage.
      • keyRegion: Optional - The region where keyName exists.
      • secretConfig: Optional - encrypted configuration for the stage - this section is decrypted and combined with config when running yoke build or yoke deploy and written to config.json in the Lambda path.
      • config: These values are combined with secretConfig and written to config.json in the Lambda path.

You can also template yoke.yml using Jinja-style templating. When you run yoke {build,deploy}, these template variables will be sourced from any variables you privide via --environment/-e. By default, {{ stage }} is automatically provided as it is a required argument for all operations.

For more information, see the examples in this repo.

Handling Secrets

So you have some secrets, it's ok, we all do - but let's not share them with everyone. Here's how you can encrypt your Lambda's configuration secrets.

Encrypting secretConfig

In the stages section of yoke.yml, add a secretConfig section with plaintext secrets (don't worry, we won't keep it this way):

  default: &DEFAULT
    region: "us-east-1"
    keyName: my_kms_key
    keyRegion: us-east-1
      somesecret: "secret value"
      anothersecret: "ssshhhhhhhhh"
    config: &DEFAULT_CONFIG
      log_level: DEBUG

Once you have your secrets, run yoke encrypt --stage <stagename> to generate the encrypted secret. Replace secretConfig with the encrypted string:

  default: &DEFAULT
    region: "us-east-1"
    keyName: my_kms_key
    keyRegion: us-east-1
    secretConfig: "CiCCM/++OaG61j7Ld8RPAE32b1LZBas6Or1EVAwZxdThARLnAQEBAgB4gjP/vjmhutY+y3fETwBN9m9S2QWrOjq9RFQMGcXU4QEAAAC+MIG7BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagga0wgaoCAQAwgaQGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMJesOjJpuXDNgIfyKAgEQgHd7N0goSpc013D8CuSwaVqVWawgp9PJ6F/TkKKGFQVmL7PT+x72EknOFXNUriorHLBX/FBvopkRZLqxRTxRyW9T/Lwm1lXZjHuNF/JGNLr9+F9W8uNTREHf7ZjhfxHMmBG06oBtIWnwa0E8hPZ+XMy7TpzUu/DMXA=="
    config: &DEFAULT_CONFIG
      log_level: DEBUG

When you run yoke build or yoke deploy, secretConfig is decrypted and added to the generated config.json.

Decrypting secretConfig

yoke decrypt --stage <stagename> will decrypt the secretConfig section for the specified stage and display it in your terminal.

Updating secrets

  1. Run yoke decrypt --stage <stagename> to get the plaintext secrets.
  2. In yoke.yml, replace secretConfig's value with the plaintext from decrypt.
  3. Add values, change values, etc. to the secretConfig section.
  4. Run yoke encrypt --stage <stagename> and copy the ciphertext output.
  5. Replace the secretConfig value with the ciphertext from step 4.


Harness your Lambdas to API Gateway quickly and easily.


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