This is a C++11 library for concurrent programming. It aims to provide a simple way to request asyncronous tasks that can be interrupted.
is a base class to implement std::async
like functionality.
dispatcher d;
std::future<int> f = d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3);
// this will call the dispatched lambda
// will return 5
auto result = f.get();
It has when
support to concatenate tasks.
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when([](int c){
// will be executed with the result of a+b
return 2.0f*c ;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3));
// this will call the dispatched lambdas
// will return 10.0f
auto result = f.get();
It has connection
support to interrupt tasks.
dispatcher d;
connection c;
auto f = d.dispatch(c, (int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3);
// would throw eventually::connection_interrupted
auto result = f.get();
It has when_throw
support to capture exceptions in tasks.
dispatcher d;
bool thrown = false;
auto f = d.when_throw([&thrown](const std::exception& e){
thrown = true;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
throw std::exception();
return a+b;
}, 2, 3));
// here thrown is already true
// would throw exception
auto result = f.get();
It has when_throw_continue
support to capture exceptions in tasks
and return a value to the future.
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when_throw_continue([](const std::exception& e){
return 1;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
throw std::exception();
return a+b;
}, 2, 3));
// would return 1
auto result = f.get();
It has when_all
support to wait for a list of tasks.
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when_all([](int a, float b){
// will be executed when both tasks are done
return a*b;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3), d.dispatch([](float a, float b){
return a/b;
}, 4.0f, 2.0f));
// will return 10.0f
auto result = f.get();
also works without callback returning a std::tuple
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when_all(d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3), d.dispatch([](float a, float b){
return a/b;
}, 4.0f, 2.0f));
// will return a tuple of (5, 2.0f)
auto result = f.get();
It has when_any
support to wait for the first task that finishes from a list.
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when_any([](int a){
return a;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3), d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a-b;
}, 3, 2));
// will return 1
auto result = f.get();
It has when_every
support to to call a callback on every task of a list.
dispatcher d;
auto f = d.when_every([](std::vector<int>& a){
// called with {1} and then with {1, 5}
for(auto& i : a)
i += 1;
}, d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a+b;
}, 2, 3), d.dispatch([](int a, int b){
return a-b;
}, 3, 2));
// will return a vector with {3, 6}
auto result = f.get();
processes the tasks in a finite amount of threads
(by default std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
The library implements a simple http client using libcurl,
that takes a eventually::dispatcher
to do the asyncronous http requests.
http_client client;
http_request req("");
req.get_headers().push_back({"X-Eventually", "true"});
auto f = client.send(req);
auto resp = f.get();
The library implements some classes to load data asyncronously. The data
is stored in a vector std::unique_ptr
and we use move semantics to
prevent from copying it.
file_data_loader loader;
connection conn;
loader.get_dispatcher().when(conn, [](std::vector<uint8_t>&& data){
// do stuff with the file contents
}, loader.load(conn, "/etc/magic"));
This example shows a widget class that wants to get an http response and process it in the main thread.
class widget
eventually::scoped_connection _http_conn;
http_client& _http_client;
eventually::dispatcher& _main_dispatcher;
void on_http_response(const http_response& resp)
// process response
widget(http_client& http_client, eventually::dispatcher& main_dispatcher):
_http_client(http_client), _main_dispatcher(main_dispatcher)
void init()
http_request req("");
std::bind(&widget::on_http_response, this, std::placeholders::_1),
_http_client.send(_http_conn, req));
http_client c;
// this dispatcher should be processed in the main thread
dispatcher m;
widget w(c, m);
- Herb Sutter for his concurrency talk
- Anthony Williams for his C++ Concurrency In Action book