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CI and Build configuration for load-balancing algorithms.

Load balancing algorithms

There are many algorithms for load-balancing in multiprocessors. In this repository we'll implement the next algorithms:

  • Spanning Tree with SIMPLE methodology
  • Spanning Tree with Cilk load-balancing algorithm (THE algorithm)
  • Spanning Tree with Chese-Lev load-balancing algorithm
  • Spanning Tree with Idempotent load-balancing algorithm (FIFO based)
  • Spanning Tree with Idempotent load-balancing algorithm (LIFO based)
  • Spanning Tree with Idempotent load-balancing algorithm (DEQUE based)


This project contains the implementation of many algorithm for work-stealing, used to give load-balacing for concurrent executions of programs. In this project, we test these work-stealing algorithms solving the problem known as parallel spanning tree. Spanning tree is an important problem because help to build another parallel graph algorithms.


This project require the following dependencies:

  • OpenJDK 17 (17.0.3)
  • maven 3.6.3


This project can be installed as usual way, like another projects. It means that you can install it with the next instruction:

mvn clean install

To build a standalone jar with all dependencies included, the instruction is:

mvn clean compile assembly:single


Using the standalone jar we will running as follows:

$ java -jar concurrentAlgorithms-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Currently, we have a template script to run a set of experiments and build the charts about the experiments. To run this script, you need use at least the version python 3.10 In a dedicated server, run:

$ nohup python3 &

Inside the script there are many options to configure the experiments.


For that to happen, it's necessary have a file named properties.props. This file must be put in the same directory where is the standalone jar. The file has the format of a txt file with the key-value elements. The following keys are avalaible:

  • graphType: The graph type. There are 6 types:
    • TORUS_2D: The vertices of the graph are placed on a 2D mesh and each vertex is connected to its 4 neighbors in the mesh.
    • Torus 2D60: It is a random graph obtained from the previous one where each edge has a 60% probability to be present.
    • Torus 3D: The vertices of the graph are placed on a 3D mesh and each vertex is connected to its 6 neighbors in the mesh.
    • Torus 3D40: It is a random graph obtained from the previous one where each edge has a 40% probability to be present.
    • Random: Random graph of n vertices and m edges by randomly adding m unique edges to the vertex set.
    • K-Graph: K-regular graph, with K = 3.
  • vertexSize: Number of vertices for side of the mesh for the case of the Torus. In the case for the RANDOM and K-Graph, is the total of vertices.
  • stepSpanningType: Type of iteration for the spanning tree algorithm. COUNTER and DOUBLE_COLLECT style.
  • iterations: The total of repetitions of execution for the spanning tree algorithm.
  • algorithms: List of Work Stealing algorithms separated by semicolons. The options are:
    • CILK
    • WS_NC_MULT
    • B_WS_NC_MULT
  • directed: If the graph is directed or not.


Still in progress